Sun's Avatar (Herald of the Sun Ret Capstone) Not applying Dawnlight to 4 targets

The Sun’s Avatar capstone talent for Herald states “Activating Avenging Wrath applies up to 4 Dawnlights onto nearby allies or enemies and increases Dawnlight’s duration by 20%”.

This effect seems to not apply to any consistent amount of targets. For instance when in a city, I can activate it and only apply a single Dawnlight to nearby allies rather than the intended 4.
In dungeons, I frequently see it apply to either a single or 2 enemies on cast rather than the intended 4.

Unless I’m misinterpreting how this talent is designed, this bug seems highly detrimental to the performance of the spec and impacts gameplay to a noticeable degree.


I’m noticing this problem too. I don’t know why I’m not seeing more complaints about this unless I completely misunderstand how this is supposed to function.

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Here I thought I was crazy. Good to know I’m not the only one who noticed. Hopefully this will get fixed soon. I know I’ve submitted a bug report but that’s not a guarantee of anything.