Sunreavers are back to Dalaran

I haven’t noticed but since we defeated Fyrakk in Amirdrassil, the Sunreavers are now replacing the Forsaken as guards in the Windrunner’s Sanctuary.

There are no quests or in game indication explaining this, perhaps it has to do to what will follow in The War Within and the fate of Dalaran.




They were added at the same time the Kirin’tor Banners were added to Telogrus.

Most of us believed that meant Umbric would be the new Council of Six member, as he still has an encrypted model.

However, the random mage who was presumed dead showed up instead.

I’m guessing the story will be Drenden is a void agent, which is why Dalaran is “destroyed” in WW’s prepatch.

Then Umbric taking over as the Council Member, and reinstating the Sunreavers is a plot point during WW, but they accidentally added them in 10.2.7.


Is there an actual lore supporting that happen?
I mean he has absolutely no relationship with the Kirin Tor or Dalaran in his past.

We know Kalecgos resigned his position in the council of the six, and Aethas has been looking to make amendments with Jaina. If anything it looks like Aethas would’ve been reinstated as a member of the council of the six.


Neither did Kalecgos when he joined the Council.

And Jaina’s only real connection was Rhonin when she took over for him - a lot of the lore people got mad that characters like Khadgar got passed over for her in MoP.

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Kalecgos had already an outstanding story and relationship with Dalaran going back at least to Wrath of the Lich King and the war against Malygos.

Before even joining the Council of Six, Kalecgos even assisted Jaina during Tides of War and he was present with Jaina and Rhoning during Theramore’s fall.

Umbric has absolutely no connection or relationship with Dalaran or any members of the council. It would be feel forced to drop Umbric there.

Jaina is literally magi student of the Kirin Tor and apprentice of Antonidas.
Her connection with the Kirin Tor and Dalaran is unquestionable.

You’re reaching here.

Yeah Horde players mostly, but that made sense because the of the whole War going there with the alliance and Garrosh.

Also, how is that the war that happened in MoP wasn’t the Fourth War and BfA the Fifth war? lol.


Spellbow Vereesa should be the new Council of Six member

Old news since Legion


She lived in Dalaran and studied there for much of her youth. She was Antonidas’s apprentice. She’s got plenty of connection to them!


Just in time for Dalaran to crash into the ground.


It happened in patch 10.2.7

Aethas Sunreaver was readmitted into Dalaran at the end of the Fire Mage artifact quest. One could assume the Sunreavers as a faction would be as well.


“Oh boy!! I sure do hope Dalaran stays for many more years to come with the Sunreavers standing proud there once more, without the city being destroyed or anything soon!”


… However, we can thank his good friend Archmage Modera – for vouching towards Aethas Sunreaver :partying_face:

  • The footwork of all this was established back in Legion with Aethas repairing relationships & setting up connections once again :tada:
  • Only difference is, at the time I don’t think he was permitted to be on the council :grimacing: … However the Sunreavers presence was once more permitted in the city :grin: Much to the disapprovement of Jaina Proudmoore & Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver – Who both strongly voted against it (however the majority vote from the council outweighed them).

“I love democracy.” — Palpatine

It was sort of done hand-in-hand with the Horde being allowed there. Previously, Aethas intended his people the Blood Elves to be merely a sect within Dalaran as a people, but when his people joined the Horde – During the Lich King campaign, he used his position to host the entirety of the Horde by extension.

Despite this however, one would argue with the events in Mists of Pandaria, that his connection to the Horde grew. So him using the Horde as a bargaining chip towards prying him & his people back into the workings of the Kirin Tor & Dalaran again – is a pretty understandable one. :blush:

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To which Jaina said, “Fine! Have fun fighting the legion, jerks!”
And then she peaced on out of there, only to turn up years later to claim the throne in her homeland instead. What a boss.

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They’re just getting ready for round 3 of blood elves being imprisoned in Dalaran.


Sooner or later they’ll help steal another artifact for the Horde’s third genocidal fascist leader under the guise of neutrality. Might as well pre-empt them this time.

That doesn’t happen till the expansion begins, they wouldn’t destroy our transport to that new isle before the trip there even starts. Although it’d be amusing if all the people thinking Khadgar dies gets proven wrong with the poor guy getting kidnapped instead. I mean he’s done barely anything so it’d be pointless to kill him off. What I’m curious about is what happens to Vareesa and her boys who basically live in Dalaran? Is Alleria losing her other sister so soon after turning her back on Sylvanas?

So Aethas bending over backwards to apologize to Jaina seemd to worked out it seems? Good for him, bad for the rest of the faction.

First of all, they haven’t help steal anything.

Neutrality for the likes of you mean helping the alliance only, just like the Kirin Tor did with defending Theramore.

Again, potatoes potatoes… except for the alliance.


Can’t wait for the KT council to stand by with their thumbs up their bums when human prick #3 tries to purge the city.

Maybe they’ll find the courage to let out a mild protest this time. Progress.

No Khadgar allowed them back before. It’s why Jaina left.