Sunken temple was literally the worst instance to revamp into a raid

Imagine if BRD were the phase 3 raid instead, how much cooler the game would be. Everyone would be trying to form groups constantly, instead they are just doing hinterlands incursions


I was hoping they’d do Mara as a ‘two choice’ raid. Orange side would be heavy physical resist but weak magic; Purple would be heavy magic resist by weak physical. But both would share the same loot tables.

Then the center would dynamically switch to be the opposite of which ever path your raid picked.

Just something different.

Plus it would have kept the pattern of Kali, EK, Kali going for raid conversions.


Even that would have been LEAGUES better than sunken temple. No one ever ran ST because it was objectively the worst dungeon, in the worst location. They really missed the mark


Thanks for sharing.

You bet. Hulk Hogan for 10 chars

I mean, it kinda had to be sunken temple. Of all the dungeons available, it is definitely the one that saw the least amount of play in both vanilla and classic. The loot sucked. The dungeon was a pain. The last boss was cool, but even that couldn’t save that horrible dungeon.


Lmao hating on ST? It was a good raid. Loot was a mess though.

The rest of the game was a problem, but not the raid.


Some people dont know this games history and it shows.

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it wasn’t the raid. the raid could have been anywhere and this phase would have sucked. The fights were interesting imo.

BRD is not level 50 content though. it’s level 60 content.

P4 BRD raid or P5 though…

Right? Like if they open the door up behind the first boss you can reach? How cool would that be? Kill that boss and go into a brand new raid.

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Should’ve put Karazhan into the game

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the Highway? I’d love to see that part of the underworld.

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Gnomeragan was far worse.

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Replacing dungeons with raids was dumb the entire time. Literally just removes a repeatable experience to make it weekly. If they wanted new raids, they should have made new raids.

That said, I’d have preferred Mara for size and scope, but ST was a fine choice for what they’re doing. It’s just taking away any dungeon from the bracket was a bad idea.

brd becoming a raid would be horrible.

its one of the best laid out and most ran dungeons in the game.

im ok with not having to do og sunken temple and leading people through it .

same with gnomer.

both places are freaking mazes.

the raids were fine as they were.

they are using content that people dread doing and making it “better”.

If you noticed, they picked the least popular dungeon to change into a raid for each phase. They probably did this so you could still do the dungeons that were most enjoyable and/or popular.


Dunno man. I avoided ST dungeon like the plague. Same with Gnomer. Same with BFD. I hated them and never wanted to run them again. I am not even close to alone in that sentiment.

If the choice is letting the dungeons rot (which is what they do for most of the player base) or replacing them with a raid that at least gives me a reason to go in there, give me the raid.

Would I have preferred brand new content? Yeah. But I would honestly rather they save that effort for 60.

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Gnomer is quite popular.

Razorfen Kraul though…

Start of p2 we spammed it from 25-30 (well, 26 to start after handing pre-quests on some toons) before we entered SM spam. I would argue Razorfen DOWNS was more of a throwaway dungeon. Memorable, but you really didn’t run it more than once or twice. RFK you ran probably 15-30 times, depending on whether you were doing boar clears or full instance clears.