Sunken Temple Loot Updated - May 24

Not updating the Blade Of Eternal Darkness? BS

screw you to the people min maxing to that extent. get patched son.

hopefully they don’t make the mistake of adding flavor items that are actually good again.

Yeah, adding BiS to avenues other than raid logging for 30 min once a week is awful for the health of a dying game mode. :roll_eyes:

Literally the only thing keeping me logging in outside of raid night is the chance of getting Zila Gular on my Warlock.

Most people use tier, but I hear ya on this one too.

Incredibly disappointing that this was done so late in the tier after 8 lockouts or so. It was known literally week 1 that the raid gear was incredibly underwhelming and explicitly called out for casters in particular.

Once again too little too late. So many guilds have stopped playing until p4.


no boomy buffs lol and they didnt touch the set pieces. Fat rip

Wheres all the dps shields at?? The best shield for a glad dps war is from BFD or a random of the Tiger that sells for 500g. Yet theres 4 caster shields available at 50. Two in ST… Do yall know what youre doing or just winging it at this point? Terrible itemization

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I’d like to remind the person that is in charge of these changes that casters in this game deal arcane damage too! What am I supposed to do with my +shadow dmg head piece and +shadow dmg staff now. Any suggestions?

Lazy AF post, at least post the changes somewhere


Like 6 different two-handers were updated, and yet not a SINGLE one, STILL is for Ret Paladins. Why? Why couldn’t you make a SINGLE 2-hander for Ret, when Ret is literally the only one using most of these. Why is the ZF Sword STILL our BiS.

Please. Someone go in and change ONE of the 2-Handers for Ret so we have -something- new to look forward to.

Really shows what they think of us. Can’t even be bothered to make a proper post. Just drops some vague “Hey we made changes” at the end of the work day right before the weekend.

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He’s not wrong though, but has to be asked, why should anyone care about yours either with that attitude? :s lol

whats worse is it took them all week to come up with only this, that’s why they dropped it last minute on friday before they walked out the door

they announced this a week ago, but it took 5 days to fiddle with some numbers in a database? i don’t buy it

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This will save SoD from dying!


Too late… SoD is dead atm Dev really fumbled the ball on the roadmap of trying to deliver too much over all versions of WoW

Melee needs severe nerfs so they aren’t doing double the damage of casters. You don’t need any of your loot buffed. At all.

Y’all a bunch of grumpy old man that are never happy.

Waited till the phase should be over to address an issue everyone knew about pre phase. talk about clown show… ALL that gear DE’d.

anyway adios amigos



Casters are too strong in PvP but too weak in PvE. Nerfing them specifically in PvP and then ramping them up in PvE via gear is correct.

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Tbh this is a bad take. Melee itself at base isn’t that strong. Which is why the PvP nerfs reflect this in the percents reduced.

World buffs need tuning or removed.
Bosses can have more armor.

Giving tons of base spell power over and over again to caster is just gonna have my spriest,Boomie , and ele absolutely cooking melee noobs in 2 globals.