Sunken Temple Loot Updated - May 24

Please, just stop. You have done enough to the English language.


You should try basic English my dude.


the point made stands, nonetheless your puny brain computation of english grammar

english is my 3rd language, how many languages do you speak btw? nvm, the answer is none

i do think its a funny idea that they nerfed damage and healing in pvp and now people will do more damage and healing. I havent seen the items but funny to imagine they didnt think of that and then blow it overboard with no stamina lol
I dont think this will bring any pop back up now, i doubt people who already left care about returning for epics theyll replace if they give p4 a chance, i know i personally dont. But hey…cool patch i guess


I don’t think it will either, but it will help those still playing hang on.

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Here’s the problem… Blizz “SoD” 60 team couldn’t have had a more simple job. It’s literally an epic and wanted game laid out infront for the past 20+ years. It’s an easy platform vanilla wow and still they blew it.

The only saving grace at this point alone is “new” content(if they dare whoa). The exact science they have implemented for you (subconsciously) is for you to pay a monthly sub for as long as they can process(seasonal). It is the science and dynamic of “seasonal” expansions.

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Can they please buff the physical trinket off the last boss. It’s is legitimately so garbage. The final trinket of a raid tier off a final boss shoildnt be so bad people actively avoid it.

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One of the first things I looked at. Absolutely wild it wasn’t touched.

Just did a little gearmath on boomie, looks like they’re getting shafted pretty readily.

If you do fire or shadow damage you’ll make out pretty well, but none of this really buffs boomie.

Personally, I could gain about 50sp at the cost of 1 spell hit and 3 crit.

While most/all of the melee weapons got buffed, too.

Time for boomie to be back under the tanks in damage.

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Blizzard “math” for SoD is amatuer at best, literally cannot even compute gear spell/melee impact without breaking the game lmfao. Everything is skewed. The fact they need reduce PvE v. pvp is a direct link to incompetence and laziness. 20 years ago devs had a better hold on rock v paper v scissorcs than 2024 - game is sadly now a bust entirely. Better luck on private servers 100%


They buffed weapons that weren’t in use. The claws weren’t buffed though.

Can a single pair of caster shoulders be added? Pls and Thanks


What about boots

Seconded. Not all toons will be BS/LW/Tailor, so when raid gearing them (for whatever reason) they don’t have crafted shoulders as an option. Melee statted shoulders exist in ST, so why the caster hate for that slot?

And nobody cares about your opinion…


It was a decent buff but not gamebreaking. Several pieces got like +7 SP (some while losing other stats) and a couple that were never used because of better options got like +20. Some were already BIS, some are now BIS thanks to the buff, and for some they prob still won’t be used unless you don’t have the alternative. So like maybe +30-40 spell dam once people get all the pieces.

Nerfs spells in pvp, then buffs all the spell casters items. Very good idea blizzard. 10/10.


Still not coming back lol where p4

Cool! Thanks for making very low drop rate items like Blade of Eternal Darkness and Modus Karkun no longer BiS. Are you planning on buffing these items or just say screw you to the people that spent forever farming them?

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