Sunken Temple Lockout - P4 Delay

Now that we’ve established that it will be a while before phase 4 launches(not a complaint, please test the hell out of things and adjust what you need to), could we maybe get the lockout on ST reduced to 3 days? It would be nice to interact with my guildmates more than once a week. I’m sure I’m not the only one who PUGs raids on an alt either(or just PUGs them in general), and it would be nice to have another go at it through the week if the first one doesn’t get a full clear. Just an idea of something simple to implement that might keep some of us logging onto SOD in the interim period…

Ya for the 99% of the time no one in my guild logs on except for raid day. There is one guy that can only play two days a week (doesn’t raid) that I see on… and there used to be 1 or 2 that would be on here and there. Now it’s just like dead… and there are plenty of other guilds I know that appear to not exist except for raid days.

You would think they would change it to 3 days… though maybe it wouldn’t really solve the problem. Now I just raid on alts with other guilds and some of my guild does join in on alts as well.

1 day a week… starts to feel like why am I paying to play this. We’ve lost a few people for exactly that reason. They didn’t want to do everything again on an alt to raid with another guild.

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Honestly just make it no lockout and nerf the hell out of it.

Nobody left playing cares about p3.

PvE, PvP, and AH balance is all more of a mess than it has been in any other version of WoW.

Let the couple of people still playing enjoy something.

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6/8 is still a barrier for pugs. I joined a pug last night at 9pm. By 11:30pm, after 3 wipes on Eranikus, people had to go.

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Needs to be nerfed to be able to be done by drunk dad pugs, like they said they wanted the raids to be able to be.

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please no, this will not help things at all. keep it 7 days. Thx

it can be lol

They just wanted a cover story as to why the Phase would be delayed…ya know, instead of coming out and saying it’s delayed because of the (totally) unexpected problems with Cata.

24hr lockout and if it’s not already a thing, make Wild Offerings drop for each boss.

So you all want everyone to be able to get bis gear super fast and have less to do even faster in a phase that is constantly being criticized for its lack of meaningful content?

More content = more things to do yes?
More development

What they’re doing is re hashing old game play and calling it new so people are getting ancy. They literally just re started classic with retail abilities plopped in as runes.

What’s the logic behind this? Does it take you 7 days to clear it? Fear of missing out because you can’t attend the second raid? Fear that more of the player base will get geared? I don’t see how this would affect anyone who chose not to raid a second time in the week.

id rather them enable AV, that might get me to sign in again… Sunken Temple is just bad loot even with the upgraded loot… its just sucks

Yes. That concept is already a thing with prebis grinding (dungeons), so what’s the issue with letting players apply the same logic to raids?

Vanilla is basically the place to let this happen, after all this is the only version of the game that doesn’t have heroic dungeons. You know, that super boring extra version of dungeons that has better loot, but instead of being spammable you can only do it once a day?

Yeah lockouts are stupid. How about for a seasonal server we remove the concept of lockouts entirely?