Look at me. Look at my mog. I make this look good.
What would be even better? Sunglasses!
Is there a cloth sunglasses mog out there? Or something close?
I’m an engineer so I have more options than most. I’d love some reccomendations.
Look at me. Look at my mog. I make this look good.
What would be even better? Sunglasses!
Is there a cloth sunglasses mog out there? Or something close?
I’m an engineer so I have more options than most. I’d love some reccomendations.
Monocle beats sunglasses. The glasses you can only use during trial of style are awesome but only for a limited time.
I just want a pair of actual glasses. There’s a NE in Mechagon that wears them so the model is literally in game, Blizzard just refuses to give it to us and I am endlessly frustrated by this.
There are green ones from WoD.
the green ones are hawt
Well, I am not sure how well the Sunglasses would interact with the Fel Fire.
Fel goggles
There’s also a Human NPC in the Maw starting quest wearing a cute oval pair of gold-rimmed glassed. They look well rendered, not clunky like the Ruby Sunglasses. They actually look like my glasses! (That I wear in RL.)
I’d also love them for Transmog.
I’d love these for Transmog; from the Legion Rogue Order Hall campaign… I didn’t hand the quest in for this rogue Alt!
Glasses of many types would be cool, ones that didn’t look like goggles!
The bronze glasses from the anniversary are like your second picture, except bronze (obviously) and more sparkly.
give them to meee
It is past time to have glasses in game. I feel like this would have been a better JC cosmetic item than the crown. We already have crowns from one of the raids last expansion.
Oh no, the tentacly-madness has infected the poor blueberry elf’s brain! It thinks it looks good!
Jk, cuz. You look great. I am very partial to the TW bronze shades.
Ya blizz! Be more like Rust!
They love to tease us with cool stuff we will never get
Who ever heard of such a thing?
Blizzard pls
Blizz: Alright mister, what do you think you’re doing? You call this a forum? This is a Pig Sty! proceeds to make a mess of the forum I want you to straighten up this area now! YOU ARE A DISGUSTING ORC! STAND UP STRAIGHT, TUCK IN THAT ROBE, ADJUST THAT BELT BUCKLE, TIE THOSE SHOES! Tinted Sunglasses? What is that? Wipe that smile off your face. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? WHAT IS THAT? A TINTED SUNGLASSES ON YOUR SWEATY BROW? What kind of an Orc are you? You’re worthless and weak. You do nothing, you are nothing, you sit in here all day and lurk on the forums! I coded a game from scratch! And you post about how you want those sunglasses all year! Who are you? Where do you come from? Are you listening to me? What do you want to do with your life?
Me: I wanna Mog! gear shines so bright that it sends Blizzard flying backwards
fel goggle gang