<Sundered> [A] Grobbulus RECRUITING

Sundered is more than just a guild, it is a community. We stretch back over a decade in history, and our core player base has changed very little. If you are looking for a group that will be consistent, honorable, and respectful of its members - you need look no further. We plan to be one of the premier guilds on the server and want to have a presence in all aspects of classic.

Sundered’s goals are PVE oriented, but we also like to PVP. We intend to be a 40 man raiding guild during Phase 1, and hopefully be a competitive force on the server. We will also be looking forward to running some organized PVP and we love to have casual members who are looking to play at their own pace and with the support of a premier guild.

Raiding Policies:

We anticipate raid times will be two weekdays and one weekend per week, at 6:30 PM server time to either 8:30 or 9:30 PM server. Days are TBA once we have a full 40 man roster and we can get a sense of availability.

Loot is handed out with the following philosophy: First, we are all adults here. We want the loot to go to where it is needed most, and where it will benefit the team the most. With that said, a small group of people deciding if you get loot or not can lead to animosity in such a large raid. Thus, it is our goal to empower everyone to have a say in where loot goes. The raid leader will call out a class or pre-determined group (i.e. “Tanks”, “Plate DPS”) and that class or pre-determined group will be their own loot council for who gets the item, and report to the raid leader who to give the item to. This is also very efficient, since you can have the priests deciding who gets their tier piece while the rogues decide who gets their tier piece at the same time - maximizing efficiency and fairness.

If you are interested in joining us or just getting more information, please feel free to contact any of our leadership on discord:


Bump, bump, bump, bump it up.

feel free to msg me Zeebs#1842 on blizz for info

I’m a good one to message for fast responses. Hejong#3399 Discord

Keeping it fresh.

Look forward to seeing yall on Launch! ENCORE will be having quite a few no lifers on launch and Id like to put together an MC on the 8th with any who are ready. If yall dont have a full 40 by then feel free to hit us up.

looking for some more active players(raiders) - ideally lvl 40 +

Would love locks/priests/druids/paladins

message me. Zeebs#1842 in game. or PM me here or on discord (above)

Would love a healer or 2 - and more locks - add me Zeebs#1842

Raid days : wed - fri - sun - 6:30-9:30 server(pst)

LFM raiders/playing - add me on bnet Zeebs#1842 or message me on discord(above)