Summoning warbands characters

It would be nice to have a spot where we could hang with our warband characters. Maybe the housing, or like a spot in the outside world. I don’t know if you all think of your characters as different persons who are part of a gang… that’s def my case, lol. Idk, I would love to hang with my warlock or my vulpera.

Do any of you have a similar thought?


Would love to hang out with my mage on my warlock, since i view them as sisters. if anything it would allow for some neat screenshots at the very least


Yep, most of my alliance alts know each other and most of my horde alts know each other, in my head. I am hopeful we’ll get to select them for follower dungeons someday, but also in housing, kind of like how our followers are all over the place in our Garrisons. Time will tell.


Yes, I too would like a spot for my Warcraft harem to mingle.


Not all of them, no. It’s part of the reason why I hate the campfire scene.

Maybe they can do it like SWTOR did for companions: you can place them as a “deco,” but if you log into that character and go to your house, you see a magical projection or something.

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Ohhh I love that!!! In my mind, my rogue and lock and siblings! The hunter is a family friend and my shaman is a friend that happened to just appear, haha. I love making these storylines for our characters.


I do have some hesitation with warband npcs because it can exploit stuff but that sounds innocent. :robot::thought_balloon:

I’ve thought the same thing. It would be cool to have all your characters lounging around the housing.

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Being able to like, select them for a dungeon, would actually make me have to lvl a tank alt. It would be a good idea to incentivate people leveling other characters!


I want to do follower dungeons with my alts.


Man, I imagine tanking or healing and my alts would be dying left and right and I’d feel so bad for them, compared to the AI npcs I don’t care about, lol. I’ll stick to DPS though. :smiley:

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if only Blizzard had the more competent AI of other games, ones who were merely slower than your average human group, and didnt have the memory retention of a goldfish.

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I would have to lvl a very good tank and a very good healer 'cuz they would be dying too lmao. But having dungeons with warbands characters means they would have to extend the warband characters, right?

I’d love yo be able to adventure with my warband… also wish we could set up multiple warbands…

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That’s coming in 11.1 as well as ways to earn new warband backgrounds. Works for me, I have four characters with a light theme and four with nature theme. I hope we can name them too, lol. I play on an RP realm and never RP anymore, but making origin stories for my characters and tying them together like a saga I’d never actually write is peak fun for me in WoW. I find I gear myself up just to run old content faster to get the exact mogs, mounts, pets, and titles that I need for a specific character concept. Once I’m done, I move on to the next character.

Yowza… I had no idea that’s what this game has become for me. From heroic raider to a character creation sim. I think I’m okay with this. WoW is fun, it’s cheap, and it helps me disconnect from the chaos of daytime. Also helps me stay connected with friends, the real treasures I looted along the way.

Oh that would be amazing! Doing outside content with my warband…

I spend most of my time these days on a role-play server. I gave up on mythic plus and raiding a while back. so anything that allows me to improve my housing experience and hang out with some of my alternate characters I am in favor of.

I want to be able to see my warband characters in player housing. Like one could be reading a newspaper in a chair, another could be leaning against a fireplace, etc.

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would love this, most of my toons know each other. some are related or married. I have headcanons of who is adventuring together doing what at any given time. my dark iron and gnome hunters are doing Waking Shores stuff, my dracthyr hunter and his nelf druid husband are doing the Emerald Dream quests, etc.

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i truly love this, i love that people really put this effot into their characters; mine are siblings and friends!

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