Summoning Stones - It's time

It’s time to turn on Summoning Stones guys.

The population is at that point where it needs it.


I like the time investment in making a group and getting to the dungeon

Edit: it makes the world feel more active, and also as Rockdwarf said it prevents lazy people from just afking in cities.


No, go away.

The reason the world feels alive is because players have to travel through it.


as someone who is always one of the first to the dungeon, while i can agree that it would be nice, i also don’t like the fact that it will encourage people to sit around waiting for a summon rather than heading to the dungeon together


No thanks.

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We already have warlock summon stones in the game so I really don’t see why meeting stones shouldn’t summon too.


yeah I’m sure warlocks just love being known as summon bots and will be soooo angry that they don’t have to summon anymore

yep, the best part of the game is sitting and twiddling my thumbs for 10 minutes while the last person gets to the dungeon

yep, all those people afk on flight paths

so alive!

Yep, we gotta make sure everyone has to /afk on a flight path or no dungeon for them!

Very rarely do groups travel to a dungeon “together”.


I mean…it’s not like you can’t just make a lvl 1 Lock alt and go buy the summoning portal.

You don’t even need to have a second or third (maybe even fourth) account. There’s usually a couple of players at each of the major instances (for lvl 60s). So just switch over and get a summoning party going.

The biggest issue is it seems the LFG Tool does not have an API that the LFG Addons can access. So now we have to check the Tool and spam in LFG Channel (so the addons pick it up).

I Think a better solution would be to increase taxi speed and potentially add a few more


better that half the group is forced to do it while the rest is afk in stormwind right?

Dood nah…

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“afk in stormwind” is bad but “afk on flight path” is good?

It’s been time to turn meeting stones on for a while now. I hope they do it in the next patch couse times are wasting waiting for the last person to show up. Plus, there’s always that one person in the middle of nowhere as well, and it takes time. Just turn the stones on already, Blizz.

Said it to the other guy who posted this: Retail is down the hall, on the left.

At level 1 though, you can’t get soulstones yet for the summons until around level 10 I believe with “Drain Soul”.

As for the OP, everybody pretty much afks already in cities when the raid groups are forming, so I don’t really see a legit reason NOT to have summoning stones activated already. I don’t fancy having to trek on any toon all the way to Shadowfang for example, or having to go all the way to Mara (if people are still running it).

If you all want to gatekeep, that’s up to you, but I certainly don’t feel the need to hold back improving on the QoL that doesn’t affect the game in a large way.


I want to point out the meeting stone in the PTR for the new Tyr’s Hand raid is a working Summoning stone, so the technology is in the game, just need to push it out.


They just wanna gatekeep, cant have the casuals that have jobs and families getting gear or multiple 60s like them. No no they will forever be stuck in pre bis or even better sub lvl 60.


Absoluetly. We got runes at level 1. Asking for stones to be turned on isn’t a problem. They exist for a reason.

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I vote for - people being close or at the dungeon before looking for groups - please don’t make your team wait 20mins because you are on the other side of the world.

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All of these different spells and mechanics but adding summoning stones is one change too much!

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LOL, it’s wild how controversial this topic is. Personally, I think both sides have really good arguments and can’t pick a team.

I’d be cool with the stone requiring some sort of limited or highly inconvenient to get reagent. Warlocks stay busy, people still travel mostly, but there’s still some sort of quick solution (at a price).

Or an even funnier option, you get some crappy 1hr debuff if you accept a summon from the stone :joy:

Basically just allow for summoning, but punish the lazy.