I actually like it as a cool down attached to Icy Veins. Since legion always used lonely winter vs the elemental.
I could see some niche uses especially for PvP or RP reasons but rarely seen a frost mage using it.
Sure they could buff it in some way to make it more viable since it’s pretty weak but the new method they are doing I like a lot.
the ability was called summon water elemental though soooooo
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Yah and you summoned it and it followed you until you died or it died. Now, it just kind of vanishes and you can’t summon it again for 5 years.
Man and even so, I did like the sound effect of the new one though, but the old exorcism was better. But I have always disliked blades of justice and templars verdict.
I dunno. If blades of justice had one sound effect, it has like 3, then maybe it would be cool. It has one cool sound effect to it.
I remember testing out exorcism to, and it was like the first talent point I searched for. And now, it is gone. Blizzard really fails to make any sense with the logic anymore used when they make changes nowadays. Or when they remove stuff.
The Mage class in WoW is one of my favorite classes from a lore/theme perspective. I don’t put tons of hours into my Mage alt (I never raid/m+ with it), but when I play it, I always run Frost Mage with my permanent Water Elemental. That is my favorite part of the Mage class. It has so much nostalgia for me. I loved Warcraft III and played it for countless hours from 2004 - 2020 (WCIII and WoW are definitely my all-time favorite video games). My favorite heroes to play were Antonidas and Jaina (to this day, those two are still my favorite characters in the Warcraft universe). I loved using my Water Elemental, it was a core part of playing those heroes. The Archmage Hero in WCIII became the Frost Mage in WoW and the Water Elemental has continued to be a core part of the Frost Mage. Maybe for some it’s only a core part of their lore/theme, but at least for me, it is still a core part of playing the class as well. To have this taken away after 20ish years is heartbreaking.
Blizzard, please don’t take away permanent Water Elemental. If the ability needs balancing, then please find a way to balance it without removing it.
Man. It just stinks to see alot of the cool work put into dragonflight, and all of the reworks done, which were pretty amazing to say the least, to see all this nerfage going around.
I mean, now, I can’t play exorcism on my ret paladin anymore either. Very stupid to see that change to. It doesn’t make sense blizzard. It just doesn’t make sense.
Mages have been summoning water elementals since Warcraft started. Removing summon elemental from mages is a bit like removing healing from paladins
It was used in BFA with the glacial spike build.
Mostly because lonely winter didn’t buff glacial spike… but still!
The ranged freeze was nice too.
They could always buff the elemental to make it more competitive with lonely winter. Either way removing something that’s been in the game for the vast majority of it is very uncouth
RIP Ole’Frosty. Was a goodest companion and the bestest lil elemental we had. Gonna miss my ole lil buddy.
yeah it’s a bit iconic to the class as a whole…it’s one of the first things i think of when it comes to a warcraft mage…kinda like how i think bear form/shapeshifting when it comes to Azerothian druids

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We’ll still be summoning water elementals as part of Icy Veins. We were never meant to have a permanent pet.
I believe I started taking Lonely Winter possibly back in Legion because the elemental became more trouble than what it was worth. I see no issue with the elemental gone as long as we’re compensated… obviously.
Mages don’t want their water element taken away. Or Warlock observer pet.
While your at it… why don’t you give them glyphs with updated looks. That would be delightful positive news. 
Instead of rying to purposefully antagonize your few remaining customers please. We would appreciate it. 
I wouldnt be surprised if they removed the ability to heal entirely from paladins lol.
Even holy spec.
I don’t understand why blizz can’t just stick with a script and go with it all the way.
Now blizz is nerfing everything. Oh paladins don’t need exorcism anymore, even though we just added it back in 2 patches ago lol.
Mages don’t need a permanent water elemental pet. That is bullcorn.
Warlocks don’t need observer. We can’t allow this.
I feel like I want all those things back, the classic wow 1-60 overworld in general back. The ability to actually have a permanent ghoul companion for dks to, that used to be a thing. And I want druids to be able to have a permanent tree healing option, instead of the stupid CD tree thing they have now. And the ability to summon hurricanes aoe and be able to choose whatever travel form I choose on a whim.
man and actual hunter aspects to.
Now we are losing even more things. And I feel it will only get worse.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Paladins of all specs will always have healing abilities.
Not if blizzard removes those abilities lol.
But they won’t. Paladins have always been able to heal and will always be able to heal. It’s not like water elemental has always existed as a permanent pet, so it’s a bad comparison.
It has always existed as a permanent pet brother. It absolutely has lol. Don’t know what you are smoking.
Maybe not since vanilla, but for a loooong time. As long as I can remember.
But even then. It don’t matter when they added it, or how long it’s been around.
Exorcism, I know for a fact was baseline paladin spell since day one. And it came back, in df. Now, it is gone again.
This company has clearly shown that they can do whatever they want. And if they remove healing from paladins entirely, across all specs. I won’t be surprised.