Summon Water Elemental being removed

well, ofcourse it would be nice to have. But since it’s been unchanged for 10 years - they probably can’t do that for whatever reason.

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And what is next blizz. You gonna break shamans to. Make it so you can only go 2 feet on your ghost wolf form, instead of making it a permanent ability like it is currently.

I mean, we have broken every other class in the game, with these abilities and turning them into 5 min cd abilities that make no sense. I can see them doing the same to shamans at some point to.


Basically askin for Blizzard to remove it completely with that sentence.

Blizzard probably.

Blizz doesn’t care about roleplayers, they create their own content. They wont stop it because of roleplayers, would only stop it if people protested enough back petition wise.

Jiana is a mage and she gets to keep 2 Walter elemental at the same time

Wages next since frost mage is losing their element into a CD maybe BM hunter and warlock pet should also be a CD as well

Yah. And times will change so much, to the point of oblivion, and everyone dies. We like to change things that don’t need changed. And invent things that are really stupid.

And eventually, humans will just, create something so bad, claiming that, oh man, well, times do change. This is how it is. Live with it. And boom.

Exactly what happens when cynicism is also lost due to change as well. That is a quality that has long been gone.

3 v 3 frost mage use their elemental all the time

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You think people don’t RP in combat? Like WoW RP doesn’t exclusively exist within city hubs safely away from combat you know.


As a warlock who’s also losing something, I feel for the mages. I also find it funny how this news was dropped just before D4 released. People aren’t paying attention right now it seems…


main destro and affli pets are already cooldowns. Summoned pet are removed with GoS

Water elemental is useless. I’m all for the redesign because mages are in a bad place currently.

No I read it all. I understand your point. Yes, they could buff it such that it would actually be competitive for once. But here’s the thing. Ion is on record stating that an active ability in the talent tree should always trump a passive one. As far as Ion is concerned, if it’s something like an always on water elemental, it must therefore always be inferior to an equivalent active ability that you have to think about and press. Incidentally, this is also the reason why active trinkets will always be superior to passive ones. Thanks Ion…:face_vomiting:

Now I’m not saying that I agree with his class design paradigm. But unfortunately he’s the one that makes the rules. As long as Ion remains in charge, passive abilities like the elemental will always be inferior. Now you might say “but lonely winter is passive and it’s orders of magnitude more powerful than the elemental”. And whilst that is true, I think the trade off here is that the elemental also offers slightly additional CC capabilities. So I guess it’s meant to be both a dps boost and a defense rolled into one passive. So essentially you give up 2 things and become more vulnerable. So the recompense is becoming more like a glass cannon (which also fits into the mage theme).

Of course the flaw in this argument is that even with lonely winter, mages haven’t been a glass cannon class in many years. A ret paladin with far greater base HP and armour values will out dps a mage any day of the week. Especially since the ret nerf hasn’t gone live yet (that’s how bad the difference is).

So all in all, you’re fighting against Ion’s class design paradigm and unfortunately that’s not a fight you’re gonna win any time soon. Eventually perhaps. We did just score a major victory with the removal of RoP. So that’s something at least.

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They should have made it a tanking pet.

Maybe then Mages wouldn’t have to put 9,001% more effort when soloing then Warlocks.


I was actually a big advocate for turning the elemental into a tanking pet. Doing so would go a huge way in equalizing the massive survivability disparity between warlocks and mages. As it stands, a warlock player can pretty much roll there face on their keyboard against a rare with 13mill HP, much like a BM hunter can. But mage or rogue? Lmao no. They just gotta sit there like a chump and wait around for one of the actually useful classes to turn up. SMH.

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I played frost mage with elemental because the ele improved survivability in PVP and the open world because it had its own cooldown abilities that could freeze enemies and let you shatter them for extra damage. So the extra CC plus the shatter damage made it worth it for me even if overall damage was apparently lower as a result. Not sure if I believe that though. In dungeons or raids, sure I can believe that.

Oh well this is one of the final straws then, I should have leveled Lilithia ages ago, but now I see there’s no point this expansion, without my water elemental to help me while questing solo through the zones, there’s little point…

I guess it’s close to time to unsub…or just play different classes and keep this as a forum alt…

Wish I had been told that ages ago OP.

I remember leveling through the undead quests 10 years ago with my water elemental by my side to help out, it was so much fun…


Frost has always been my favorite mage spec and I did like the water elemental. Another pointless change.


Another decision that does not make any sense.

The day will come, when we only have 1 ability left and maybe a second with a CD, so that everyone can play WOW on a phone.

Mages should be able to conjure and control the elements…


then also give shadow priest permanent void pet by that logic
make elemental shaman pet class too

Let’s be real, pets suck, they stuck all the time, managing them is pain, they are annoying and frustrating (ESPECIALLY in current wow endgame). We have two dedicated pet classes (and three specs) and that’s enough

How on earth elemental would help you. He’s terrible, he does no damage, he doesn’t have a taunt. You already have four frost novas for cc and constant slow on enemies, you don’t need that discount bottled water.