Summon Water Elemental being removed

That has a LOT to do with the fact that LW was blatantly OP for basically the entire time it existed. People citing LW’s use rate as evidence mages didn’t WANT elementals are ignoring the fact that for many years you were penalized for using one; the fact that ANYONE used them anyway is strong evidence that those players cared enough to sacrifice damage for them.

But Blizzard didn’t even try balancing them first before removing them.


Well, I thought paladins would always Have the ability to exorcise their foes. But I was super wrong.

Just saying. If paladins lost the ability to exorcise their foes. I think blizzard could just be like, yah know. Why are paladins healing themselves and other people all the time. To heck with that nonsense. And then paladins are just, never allowed to heal again.

Because that is what they did with the exorcism spell. I have been able to exorcise my foes for as long as I can remember. Now, I can’t. And I might not ever be able to again.

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So most often played was fire not frost. Because of the power … But for the beginning of my mages life it has been frost. Over 10 years no matter the power. So taking away my elemental pet IS JUST WRONG… IT is part of the frost mage. Adjustments can be made differently and there are 2 other specs to play. Frost mage pet is forever a part of frost mage. Changing power to get more to play one spec fails because then the other specs complain NEVER ENDING Leave the water element to us who enjoy it no matter the power. As I have played it no matter … It is a choice.

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I just do not want to play mage at all I am tired of redoing the talent trees … I looked for my elemental pet and had things set after it was taken in dragonflight only to be taken away permanently… I do not even want to spend the time to redo the tree and have stupid icy vein 2 min recast time. NO I do not want to even play anymore with this kind of mistreatment of players. There was a choice to not have the pet already. Now why make it permanent. You satisfied those who wanted the pet and those who did not. I am sitting here for hours just so disappointed that you would even do this. Why. Why can a frost mage not have the option to have the pet or not. It is their decision. THere are four options to not having the elemental pet. Your frost mage talent tree had that option Fire mage and arcane mage. What a uncaring choice devs made to permanently end the elemental pet. Sad.


I’ve played a Frost Mage exclusively for the past 17 plus years and was a way for a few months due to my mother’s failing health and subsequent death in April 2023 so I miss quite a lot. Upon my return I tried to summons my water elemental only to learn it has been removed from the game. I was in short devastated to a measure and degree that I seriously considered quitting WoW. Luckily for me I’d been playing Classic WoW for about four months also playing a Frost Mage spec without the elemental which prepared me to live without the elemental in Retail. I still do miss my elemental quite a lot as it was my great escape dependency in a tight situation. I’m over it now.

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I swear God y’all choose to get sentimental over the weirdest stuff.

Anyways elemental as all pets were a buggy mess in dungeons and raids and pvp. Even when they worked properly the dmg they did was terrible compared to the other options and the cc they provided was negligible at best in pve ( stuff that was going to get snared was already snared
by the mages hundred other snares and slows) overworld content and useless in m+ and raids because bosses are immune to all cc abilities.


Lonely Winter has been a thing for like three expansions now. I started playing Frost in TBC as well, so I remember when the elemental was actually a threat. Hint, it wasn’t when it was a perma-pet.

I glyphed my icy veins to dark depths and like seeing it on cooldown like back in the day. I now see it every three minutes instead of, frankly, not at all because it made more sense to talent away from it. And before anyone brings it up, yes I would have talented away from it even if it wasn’t meta to do so, because handling a pet, especially one with so little utility, was a needless hassle.

In this game, maybe hunter aside since it is their main theme, I find if you have a choice of a pet or not and you choose not, you are better off.

Love my three minute elemental though. I wish there was a way to stack the glyphs so I could get a random one each time. I would buy them all if they didn’t need to overwrite.

Three minutes is all you need if soloing in the open world I guess.

still not right for ice mage losing it only watery friend…they should bring it back Heck it why I not spec to ice mage until they put it back in the game.

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i came here earlier complaining abt this as i used my elazul, my lovely elemental pet as a rp friend.
thankfully in wrath we got the glyph that keeps him permanent again.

all is good all is well lol


Really they had to remove mages water elemental then they should remove all pets then this is bs then there is no reason to play my mage anymore. Blizz have to be idiots to remove our water elemental

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Frost has been so bad gameplay wise for a very long time I feel. Spells like Ebonbolt just never used. It’s a proc spec and that’s how Blizz want you to play it. Mage in general just needs a massive amount of work. They’ve only been relevant this Expac because of Arcane. Frost is ok in m+ right now but turbo bad for all 3 specs in raid. The fire rework didn’t really improve the spec at all just some talent options. Frost is so boring right now. Getting rid of summon elemental is strange. I don’t know.

I like the change. I’m enjoying Frost. It’s fun. Arcane though…ehhh. I played it season 1, skipped season 2 and I just came back last week. I can’t stand Arcane. The opener is ridiculous. Frost is intuitive and fun. I hated dealing with the water elemental. I dislike pets in general in WoW.

I still have too many keybinds imo. If I had to guess I’d say I have 20 binds I have to press throughout an encounter. They need to prune.

Frost mage is fine in raids. Play what you enjoy.

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looks like I have to delete my mages since Blizzard ruin them

I tamed a water waveling in Zul’Drak. Now I can properly name him.

No, the water elemental was a cooldown in TBC, and that’s when it was actually a threat. I’m pretty sure it didn’t get made perma until after MoP, and ever since it’s been a nerf gun, no reason to have it, no reason to fear it. Lonely Winter (the talent that let you sacrifice it for a percentage damage increase) was meta in every single expansion it was featured in.

Only bad mages ever thought it was good, pretty much. I get sick of seeing these types of threads because as someone who first capped a mage in TBC, I’ve been around for the entire life of the thing and it was never more useless than when it was baseline always there.

Yeah I could glyph it into something that looked cool, but just why even bother?

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I too don’t play my mages often but both are frost because I like their watery companion.

It saddens me that he won’t be permanent any more.

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Bad necro is bad


It was actually Wrath that they made the elemental a permanent pet with Glyph of Eternal Water. But yeah, it was always a clunky thing to try and control. I always took Lonely Winter on my Mage.

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No fun allowed - Blizzard edition.