Summon Water Elemental being removed

Water elemental is a gutter tier summon. It dies to everything in PVE. It is imba in PVP. Almost everyone uses lonely winter anyway. Who would actually make a stink about this is beyond me.

I don’t agree lol. I simply do not agree.


At least you can still summon the elemental periodically. I can’t even use an exorcism on folks anymore on my paladin, which is really stupid.

But I don’t agree with this change.


Mage pets bad!

Sure seems like that is the logic. We felt like having a elemental pet out full time was bad. So we put it on a cooldown instead.

We felt like paladins having exorcism spells was bad. So we removed the spell entirely.

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To all of you Mythic+ players and Raiders who care only about damage:
Are you sure the game can survive long term without the causal players? I loaded PTR with my mage without the permanent elemental to try it and see how it felt. I groan every time I try to log in. I just don’t want to. Making an option for the elemental to be permanent yet also adding it to Icy Veins or some other ability would make everyone happy. Is that so hard? Or can the game afford to lose casual players who just want to have fun, without worrying about if they are doing enough damage to satisfy other players? Is your ego worth running off paying players to feel superior for yourself? Think long and hard about this. The more money the game gets, the stronger it should get. Telling people like me who play for fun, not power, that we are not wanted, reduces the games earning power. That reduces the total power of the game. Is this a hill you are willing to die on for principles?

I’m not saying don’t role an ultra powerful Water Elemental into Icy Veins. I am suggesting that supporting an option for a permanent Water Elemental, unhindered by a choice, could strengthen the class overall. Because having as many people as possible enjoying Frost Mage strengthens the entire class.

I will reiterate, is your ego worth losing the support of solo players? Our request is to have a fun solo game. We won’t carry you forever, and when we leave, the financial burden of paying for your group gameplay falls on you because you were jerks to the solo players, Will you take the responsibility for that? Or cry that no one is paying for your game? I suspect you will cry over it. We solo players will be somewhere else because you were rude jerks. Have fun. Cry well.


Mage isn’t and shouldn’t be a pet class. If you want a pet play a hunter or warlock.


it never should have been added to frost in the first place imo shrug

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The pets are no where near the same size as the summoned water elemental.

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I dont mind this. I dont really see why the need to remove the permanent pet, but for me, the water elemental was just a cool visual effect, always shooting at my targets…looked cool.


I always though it was a little weird frost has a Perma ele following them around while shamans don’t.

I don’t mind what they’re doing with it - it’s being turned into a cooldown.

Which means it’ll see more use than it has been seeing in almost a decade. Very VERY few mages outside of PvP actually use their water elemental. Most people use Lonely Frost.

This change means every frost mage will use a water elemental again, just as a cooldown, rather than as a permanent pet.

Summon Water Elemental as I dimly remember in Wrath of the Lich King was a cooldown that lasted around 45 seconds (I had the duration up). When it became a permanent pet it was nice to have for a time, until it started aggroing ads without cause. I wasn’t the only one who dealt with that either.

When Lonely Winter was introduced, I tentatively took it, and haven’t looked back. While I miss the pet a little, I’m better off without it. Making it a cooldown again is just fine.

ITT: A lot of people who don’t realize that Icy Veins is having a Water Elemental get tacked onto it in 10.1.5.

Also ITT: A lot of people who only remembered that Water Elemental exists because one person complained about it being removed, even though Water Elemental hasn’t been useful in over half a decade.

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You could have just typed:
“It’s fine by me because IDGAF about the pet and I don’t care about y’all who use it.”
It would look a lot more honest.

Spotted the non-PvPer.


or at the very least it should be 100% optional.
Options are good.


I am one of the people who am very against taking the perminence of the water elemental away from the frost mage. I have not only roleplayed with it for years and it is part of my character and yes you don’t have to be on a RP realm to Roleplay but I like having it at my side as cannon fodder a distraction to enemies as if the enemies are all over me I can’t cast. Mages are so squishy because of that fact that the elemental was my make shift tank even though it wasn’t ment to be such I realise that fact. but often times enemies would attack it first. giving me time to get off a spell or too which gave me an edge in a fight. The Elemental is why I play a frost mage instead of anything else to be honest. I like the help. I’m honestly very angry over this change. Plus this takes away what makes the frost mage unique.


Honestly Blizzard, it is better to have options available to the players then just forcing things one way or the other. With some things in the game that just isn’t possible, but here it is possible. It would be nice to be able to pick from the permanent elemental, lonely winter, or the medium ground of having it be a cooldown byproduct of another ability/effect. These can be options for a single talent spot in the tree. It would be unusual to have three options instead of just two, but if the druid can have four specializations, a talent node can have three options available to pick one from. Just my two cents. My first character ever is a mage, I have always played her as either Frost or Arcane, but mostly Frost. I have only been playing since the start of Cataclysm, so this change is very alien to me, but that isn’t a point of aversion for me. What is going to bug me the most about this change is the lack of control over where this randomly summoned pet is going to show up as I am casting. At least with the permanent pet I had the ability to tell it to “stay” someplace for specific crowd control purposes. Something nice about being able to freeze people to the ground around my pet that is far enough away from me that they can’t get to me if they are the melee range type.


It’s fine to disagree, but I really don’t understand the latter half of your arguments. I don’t see how water ele accomplished anything as far as helping you tank, their damage was so pitiful they couldn’t hold threat against a frostbolt, and I have no idea how a very, very passive pet makes us unique when compared to mechanics like shatter and splitting ice, which I consider to be the spells that make frost unique.

I don’t really see the necessity to get rid of the frost elemental, but I’m not upset over it. I only used it as an extra nova. But nowadays there are so many roots and snares… it just DRs and so you might as well not even use it.