Summon the XP buff event༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

We have been let down brothers.

RIP /10char

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༼ つ ◕,^◕ ༽つ

Guys, you’re really expecting a lot by asking Blizzard to flip a switch. They’ve been working so hard giving us all these great updates and specifying all these dates I predict it’ll only be 3 more weeks until they announce the release of the XP buff for the following month.

Remain positive.

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Did you mean

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We have been disappointed :frowning:

“Incantation for XP buff next week!”
“Oh Bulwinkle, but that trick never works!”
“This time for sure!”

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I mean, a broken clock is right twice a day.

So that was a lie

i feel like blizzard missed a great opportunity to keep the game alive here, there was tons of people leveling during the summer festival and the xp buff right after would keep the flow going and bring even more players back to the game.

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Come on, you bums. Say something.

Considering it’s going to start 2 weeks before the pre-patch and last until WotLK releases (6-8 weeks), we’re not going to see this for another month at least.

Next week.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Highly doubt that it’ll be next week.

3 weeks “A few weeks before prepatch”

Prepatch is likely early/mid aug, why would it not be for another month?

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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ!