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Summon harder, folks.
Pray for today.
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I’m stuck at work for the next 7 hours so I’m relying on you guys to post here and tell me if the XP buff hit today after servers come back up in a couple of hours!! And, I don’t want to be a buzzkill so…
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I have 20+ completed quests waiting to turn in.
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I mean, Wrath is coming in sept whether it is ready or not, gotta meet them q3 goals.
Granted the internal build is weeks ahead of ours.
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I have a hard time believing it will happen today.
Non believer! just give energy! Like this!
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I want it to happen, but I have lost faith in daddy blizz…back in Wrath they went to the gas station to get some smokes and never came back…
I’m sorry brother
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Ya’ll didn’t summon hard enough!
it appears you’ve summoned a demon called
You have been disconnected. (BLZ51900007)
Why would they want to release WotLK in a buggy state, there’s no way that we the players will find that acceptable. They’ve got until late september to drop the buff at the very latest so they still got ~2 months to go if they want to fix most of the bugs.
Until Blizzard says otherwise they’re linked.
Summer lasts until late september btw.
I sure hope so
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And? That has nothing to point I was making.