Summer 2019

Why do you enjoy watching people cry? :frowning:

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What I don’t understand is why would they say “It’s going to be a Classic Summer!” at Blizzcon if they think the game won’t be ready for release until the tail end of summer?

To me, that’s not exactly what I would consider a “Classic Summer.” It’s more like a “Classic Fall.”

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because its pointless to speculate a date without news from blizzard. and it gets me excited for nothing lol

So many people in this forum are revolting :stuck_out_tongue:

The hardline #nochangers noticed it, and now we have to wait till early September to get it fixed :frowning:


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its December 31 2019. AKA the blizzard launcher, and if you watched ANY blizzcon regarding this.

I can’t wait for September release

Waiting is so unbearable that most are just revolving on their chairs.

shhh its comming in the summer…just a couple more hours and we willl get some new info…ooor the internet is lieing to us and ill have to eat this giant 10lb grain of salt…whole

Correct, but this time we know what we are waiting for. And it is good.