Sulfuras is No more. Let us not forget!

Sulfuras is most certainly going down after the free transfers in the next few hours.
It’s a sad fate for the server that was our home for so long. This mass exodus comes only a week before the celebration of the Great War that was the opening of the gates of AQ.
Remember how Dads united and beat the … out the alliance griefers.
Never forget! #GrizzlyNoMount


RIP sulfuras


*Pressing F to pay respect

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Thanks for sharing, this sort of stuff is the game to me. A lot of the other stuff is just boring fluff.

At least you can say that Sulfuras survived longer than most, and even the ones that stand have mostly had their souls ripped out and stomped on to where their stories like this are not remembered by most.

RIP Sulfuras.


That was indeed a great achievement for the server. Teaching a good lesson to those GRIZZLY players that tried to control who does what on the server.


RIP Sulfuras

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As someone who has played on Sulfuras up until the first mass exodus in early TBC,

RIP Sulfuras


RIP Sulfuras. It was the second home for my friends after moving from deviate delight… which died before then. Assuming they still played, they’d now have to move again, but since they’re retired with no plans to come back to this trainwreck again, they didn’t have to see their 2nd home die. One of them recorded the entire adventure on his channel, a 157 video playlist, if anyone is curious.
I also record but I didn’t with them, as he was doing it already.

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You have my heart Sulfuras.

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