
I would like to suggest implementing pet battles at the release of the game, also, can we copy our 80 from WotLK so we can play the new zones, please.

I agree for sure

You want pet battle system from MOP added to CATA? I doubt they would add it in this early. Can you even level beyond 80 yet or enter the new zones? The last update from Cataclysm Classic Development Notes and Known Issues -- Updated March 7 says leveling past 80 isn’t enabled yet. It will get added, in due time. Have to let them fix some stuff first. I don’t have beta so I don’t know how accurate this list is.


How about no. Blizzard will release zones 81-85 when they are ready to deal with them. There are still plenty if 1-80 bugs to be dealt with. This is beta testing, not an early access play through. We are on Blizzards schedule.