Suggestions on balancing on racials

Nah I played a Warlock in BC against Rogues with this. It’s been over 10 years and I still don’t think they’ve suffered enough for how good that was.

World content, healing to full in between WQs is game breaking.

Given that

  • classes have incredible self sustain
  • it’s a 2.5min cd
  • it gets interrupted by anything

this claim is laughable.

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non-hybrid classes that is :cry:

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Ps. I don’t mean to seem rude, just that I think the Z healing racial is fairly balanced. Also the Seraph Tenders food coming in SL will give us the out of combat healing like ‘Fighter Chow’ used to. So very useful for those non hybrid classes.

Btw did you mean Warriors? They’re literally the only class I can think of that has some reasonable trouble with healing and doesn’t impending victory or w/e help with that?

If you ask me I think non-warrior non-hybrid classes have too much healing.

That’s what I meant, Hybrid classes have a harder time self healing than non-hybrids, which is absurd.

P.S. only Arms has trouble, Fury has ridiculous passive self healing.

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Really? I have literally every hybrid class at 120 and don’t have any issue at all with self-healing.

May want to consider renaming the title of your post.

Rogue: 30% healing every 30 seconds. Instant cast.
Mage: 20% shield every minute. Instant cast.
Druid: Stop your damage to cast a heal, can be interrupted, heals for 5%.

Huh? Bro, what?


Nightborne should be changed to add 1% arcane or shadow damage added to all damage dished out, not just magical damage. Nightborne warriors and hunters get the shaft.

Just live with the racials you get. Not all races are equal, the same with classes.

Eh, I’d let that slip… there’s racials that favor one role over another; for instance the 1% physical reduction from Dark Irons is aimed towards tanks, Arcane Torrent heavily favors melee classes.

I’ve thought about how they could fix up Arcane Pulse for Nightborne and it seems like if they lowered the CD to 2 minutes and made it a 30 yard range ground target effect with the same general size, it would be in a much better place.

Funny you mention that. Druid is my main and the one I have least problems with.

Rejuv - instant
Ysera’s gift - passive hot thats on you permanently
Switfmend - instant
Regrowth - instant for Feral

As a tank, I like it now, but I support this idea.

Worgen’s should be updated to work similar to the pally ability. It let’s them run at epic mount speed and uses the running wild graphic. Would be fun.

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That’d be nice, shorten the duration to 2-3 seconds, increase speed to 100% and the change the animation to Running Wild.