Suggestions on balancing on racials

Some races have game-breaking abilities: NE, BE, Dwarf, Dark Iron, Human, Orc…
While others are laughably useless: Draenei, Nightborne, Mag’har…

In my opinion the first step in the right direction would be to set the cooldown of all racials to two minutes and balance them around that; it’s ridiculous that Shadowmeld and Stoneform are on a 2 minute CD while Arcane Pulse is on 3 minutes.

Here’s some suggestions:

  • Arcane Pulse (Nightborne): 2 min CD (down from 3), slow duration reduced to 8s (down from 12).
  • Gift of the Naaru (Draenei): 2 min CD (down from 3), 25% heal (up from 20). I don’t think anyone’s gonna argue that this is one of, if not the worst racial at the moment.
  • Light’s Judgment (Lightforged): 2 min CD (down from 2.5), keep same damage (it hardly does more than a regular Crusader Strike).
  • Regeneratin’ (Zandalari): 2 min CD (down from 2.5). Regenerate 100% of your maximum health over 5 seconds (down from 6 seconds). This racial is extremely situational, any damage tick, interrupt or displacement ability will immediatley end it. At least let us use it when (if) we finally find an opportunity to do so.
  • Bag of Tricks (Vulpera): 2 min CD (up from 1.5), increase damage/healing by 25%. Make it a DoT/HoT over 3~5 seconds.

I feel like Will of the Forsaken could use a buff too but I can’t come up with any ideas.


I like that you suggest buffing the less powerful racials rather than nerfing the more powerful racials. :+1:

I think that some racial/class combos work more strongly than others. For example, my racial (Shadowmeld) is not as powerful because I have Feign Death on a much shorter cool down. Similarly, the Draenei racial is very powerful for healers. So we must take that into consideration as well.


I disagree. This is an RPG, we need less balancing. Not everything needs to fit into the e-sports nonsense here.


I disagree, this is an MMO. We need more balancing. Not everything is for Esports when it’s related to balancing the game. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well if nothing else I’d like to use my racial more frequently for aesthetics. Wouldn’t you like to show your Light-infused nuke more often?

This I’d agree with.

That’s a silly mindset. There’s nothing saying that an RPG can’t be balanced… and it has nothing to do with esports.

It turns out that people like to have useful abilities that actually do interesting or helpful things! Who’d have thought?

@OP My main (worgen) gets a (slow) sprint and that is all. It’d be nice to have that increase movement speed a bit more or to add something that is actually throughput related.


Does it? I feel like Will of the forsaken is one of the better Horde racials currently.

But then again I haven’t played an undead for a while so… :man_shrugging:

Otherwise, I fully agree with all the suggested buffs. :+1:

Outside of pvp the differences equate to less than a percent, and pvp is a total meme right now.

Racials are irrelevant, get better.

Very situational but it’s OP as sin depending on what you’re doing. It was an insane racial for 19 twinks in battlegrounds.

If all racials were much more situational I’d be cool with that too.

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Sims don’t really show a huge difference between racials for a whole lot of different classes/specs.

And the racials that are the most powerful ones are the ones that aren’t numbers tuning. Goblin rocket jump, Troll shuffle, etc.

I actually believe Worgen is in a nice spot, of course my Worgen is a DK so the extra mobility is godsend. I suppose it’s less useful for Mages, Rogues or Druids.

I believe the game has evolved past it’s usefulness, it ain’t bad but it leaves you very vulnerable to hard CC (it shares a 30s cd with medallion).

Not true in all cases according to any source you can really check.

Most races are relatively balanced (within a few % of one another) but there are some outliers, such as Vulpera for example. They sim quite a bit lower than most races for most specs.

It’s not crippling by any means but better balanced is always a good thing.

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Fair enough.

Definitely a tricky one to think of buffs for. :thinking:

This is mostly aimed at the utility racials, I know 1% [stat] racials are mostly negligible.

My worgen are mage and DK. It’s super useful on both but for DK it’s basically the best thing ever.

Still, I think they could do something more to sell the werewolf theme.

Yeah, don’t get me wrong… Darkflight is one of my favourite racials. Just… like I said above, I think they could do something to sell the theme better.

I’ve never understood why they don’t briefly go into their running wild state when they active it.

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They shouldn’t be ‘balanced’, as long as they aren’t oppressive, there isn’t a problem. Buff Vulpera a little bit and call it a day.

Every time this gets worked on, a race loses a unique tool, let’s not do this again.

Add some sparkles to remind you of Twilight?

Yeah, that’s all that is needed. Thematically the Vulpera racials fit. They just need a liiiiiiittle more impact.

Damage wise that is… The healing one is pretty danged nice.

That sounds like it’d make me look prettiful.

I’m in.

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