I doubt many people will completely agree with me on these two points. But that’s okay, this is simply my opinion. If you have a differing opinion please feel free to share it.
First and foremost, I see required movement, the way the game currently is in both mythics and raid, to be a problem for some classes. The reason I say that is the heavy movement fights bog down the DPS of even some of the most gifted players in the world. If they can’t do it, the average player most certainly can’t do it. This is also why the most gifted players in the world don’t play those classes and there is an objective meta. Since I don’t think the movement mechanics are going anywhere, as they have been in the game since early expansions, might I suggest a different (though not new) take on what to do about it? Since the movement mechanics aren’t going anywhere, why not make it so all classes can move and are not bogged down by Cast bars. Just give everybody 100% movement or maybe 50% movement while casting or something to that effect. Movement for one spell like we’ve had in the past only partially addresses the problem and is definitely not what I am suggesting. It’s one of the reasons a lot of classes have fallen out of meta. Anytime there’s a heavy movement fight, DPS just gets cut dramatically. Even when the player is doing well for that particular class, the output is just terrible because of all the movement. There are some things that address this to some degree, but it always forces you to switch your rotation to a rotation of skills or spells that do much less damage still killing your damage and that fight. Don’t get me wrong, I realize there’s some really great players that can just play past that. But they are very much in the minority. And it seems just unnecessarily harder to the point it takes a lot of the fun away for many people. I am admittedly not doing terrible with some of those classes. But it would make every class much more even if all ranged had 100% movement uptime. And I would argue because ranged can switch targets easier because they are ranged (obviously), you would have to up melee DPS a little bit to compensate. I think the end result would be worth it though. Then everybody could just focus more on mechanics and trying to have fun as opposed to trying to time getting off one cast or shot before an aoe goes off trying not to take some kind of ridiculous damage and fall to the bottom of the DPS meter. And if you don’t move you’ll die and fall to the bottom of the meter anyway. Because the mechanics in hard content are just way too unforgiving.
The second suggestion I have is transparency. Blizzard has went out of their way this go around to be transparent about the planning for what’s released without giving away too much in the process, for obvious reasons. I just can’t help but think that if you were also transparent about community concerns that a lot of the player dissatisfaction would evaporate. What I mean by this is, for example, making a public statement that you’re reworking brewmaster because it’s not where it needs to be or maybe it is but we think we could make it more fun blah blah blah. And then also making the statement but we have other priorities that are going to have to come before that and we can’t release that or properly work on that until 11.5 or whatever. Then the people that are concerned about that particular point would feel heard and also know that you haven’t forgotten about them. This is opposed to radio silence which suggests that you don’t agree with them or maybe even care. Even if you do care the optics are still bad. And if you disagree with the community why not simply say we don’t agree with you and we have no intentions to ever change brewmaster it’s perfect the way it is blah blah blah. Agree or disagree that level of transparency would make people feel heard. Even if you don’t get what you want and you’re mad about it, that is still better than feeling ignored.
That’s just what I think would be great to have at this moment in time. But what does everyone else think? If you agree leave a like and a comment, if you don’t agree feel free to share why.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a wonderful week!