Suggestions for Hunters

I had an idea for the Hunter Class . After playing for a few months I have found some criticisms and memories from playing in the past of better game mechanics.

Aimed Shot - Should Cast on the Move maybe could crit more when cast stationary.

Sniper Shot - Should be a PvE spell as well.

Salvo - Should be a passive and apply or have a chance to apply to the next flashing critical spell cast.

Chimera Shot - Maybe Chimera shot could be a stand alone spell and no longer replace Arcane Shot.

Exilleration - maybe could be transformed into a new arrow spell or transformed and combined with serpants sting. Maybe it could heal for the amount of damage dealt like with serpants sting or a percentage of the damage as a stand alone shot.

Maybe if exileration is transformed into a new shot it can be kept though combined with the short term shield survival of the fittest instead.

AMMO! - Return of different ammos like uncommon ammo and rare or even artifact ammo though as an off hand weapon without a ammo count!

These are just s few suggestions I came up with so far. Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think.

Eh. Then it may as well be a stationary spell as it current exists.

It’s too niche. They just need to rebalance the talent tree around so we have a few extra points to spend as “loose change”. Then we can pick it up.

I do miss ammo though. If not the literal Ammo, even just the WoD talent that would give us different ammo types.

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I dont think aimed shot needs to be castabl while moving, but i do think the proc resets from black arrow should make it instant like lock n load. Imagine if mind blast resets for shadow priest were still cast times? yeah thats how that will feel.

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New MM here.
Castable on the move for nearly the same damage Aimed shot, is Rapid fire, with it’s own cool flavor.

If ammo with different characteristics worked like paladin auras, I’d be cool with it don’t make me spend more AH money to shoot.

Sustainable self healing like DH Leach would be cool, do damage get heals, but exhilaration is good as is. After the SS nerf and Rapid Fire/Aimed Shot buffs, SS in PvP does far less %of overall DPS, but having it increase your range for a few seconds is cool.

Salvo is made passive by being macroed with Volley, might as well just make it automatically apply from using Volley.

No opinion on Arcane Shot/Chimera Shot.

From a PVP perspective, while knowing it is bad for the game if every spec has every tool for success…
Compared to some other specs, MM lacks a strong MS effect, the 10%MS MM can have is really weak. DH has a nearly spammable 50% in PVE/25% in PVP
Disengage being the only instant mobility is much lower instant mobility than most specs.
Can’t see stealthed players like DH.
Can’t double jump like TWW WW monk or current DH
No baked in glide like Evoker or DH.
Traps have unique flavor and unique use for putting them in choke points and moving on, but missing the target in combat is often, Fear spams from Warlock are far better, again DH, lots of CC that doesn’t DR each other.
Area denial, Monks Ring of Peace and Frostmages Ice Wall win this category.

The latest Buffs to Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire are chef’s kiss oh so good. Still feel MM gameplay is missing something.

All the years playing im supized blizz never gave us a leech shot for giving active healing shot on a cd. But really base we just need explosive trap back and hunters good at kiting again

That’s a pretty huge waste. Why do people keep doing/recommending this crap? Salvo can be pre-cast by up to 14.9 seconds, a third of its CD. Volley cannot. Manual volleys can be held for Trueshot if it’d start within the next 40 or so seconds in order to sustain Volley for up to 39 seconds straight for nearly an extra 2000% AP of AoE damage and, given Razor Fragments, increasing non-Deathblow Kill Shot damage by over 50% (at least 150% AP each) across Execute phase.

Well, what would you like to see on Hunter in that regard? New skills? Improvements to Entrapment / base traps? The ability to LoS behind frozen enemies until they’ve absorbed X% AP of damage? What are you looking for?

Tbf, why would they when we can take 10% passively? They just need to fix Lone Wolf and allow excess Leech healing to transfer between master and pet.

Most players do not want rotational traps. The only reason Steel Trap is made as okay as it is… is because it’s taken only in pure single-target and one therefore need only lob it in the general direction of the boss for a hit.

I have, but don’t currently use steel trap. I’m a Hunter novice and could stand to learn a lot. The utility I’d love but don’t expect…disarm, or a stronger MS, or a disengage that moves you a set distance instead of shortened by terrain/Z axis. For the most part MM is satisfying.