I missed the original FoS achievement “Master of the Turbulent Timeways” (ID = 19079) by one week. I’m currently at 4/5, but I know some people who are at 3/5 and so on.
Now that we have “Master of the Turbulent Timeways II” (ID = 41056) and additional weeks to earn the achievement this time, my suggestion is that, after players complete this new achievement, each week we continue to do Timewalking Dungeons after that, this could count toward to the original FoS, so people can work in to get it.
The effort is exactly the same (doing TW dungeons), so I think people who missed it by 1 or 2 weeks last time should have the chance to get the FoS now.
I know the mount “Sandy Shalewing” can be purchased from the vendor, but the FoS itself can no longer be earned.
As I mentioned, the effort is exactly the same, and now we have additional weeks. I see no reason why players shouldn’t be allowed to earn the FoS.