[Suggestion] The Need for More Characters in Macros

World of Warcraft provides support for different languages and because there are different ways of writing a skill, the minimum number of 255 characters is not always enough.

For example, creating a macro to cast the fireball ability three times in other languages takes more characters than english.

English (43 caracters)

/castsequence fireball, fireball, fireball

Portuguese (55 caracters)

/castsequence bola de fogo, bola de fogo, bola de fogo

If the game’s macro system allowed the execution of skills in english but playing with the client in another language (sensitive), it would reduce the need to increase characters.

Currently there is an addon that increases the number of characters but sometimes, after an update to the game or add-on, you lose the macros by some accident.

Mega Macro


An additional enhancement for the macro icons window could involve incorporating filter shapes to categorize them based on class, race, profession and others. This improvement would allow users to easily identify and highlight icons relevant to their character’s class, race, profession and currently acquired skills.

Highlighting commands in the macro with different colors and having an option to save preferred icons would be welcome.

I believe this macros session could be improved.


I think a macro-builder with guiding would also be a solid upgrade to this system. Having things like which types of targets or which spells that’s available for you to use in an almost code-completion type of way would be amazing. Or have menus on the side which helps the user write what they want within the macro.

I’m often forced to external resources for assistance when creating my own macros, information that should be available in game.


The number of macro slots is also incredibly low, at least if you play a lot of characters so the shared slots get filled up with different character-specific ones when you run out of character-specific slots.


Few slots and few characters.

A class with four specializations, such as a druid, requires significantly more space than a demon hunter, which only has two specializations.

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Oh, I never thought about this, and I played this game from TBC to Legion in Spanish. I used to create macros in English because back then, it didn’t matter if you only wanted the Spanish version; the English was coded into the game. I actually learned some English thanks to this limitation. But yeah, a part of the interface looks abandoned, and macros are a big part of that… I don’t even understand how a new player would find out what a macro is, to be honest, lol.