Suggestion that will be ignored

SInce mages and rogues are ALWAYS ridiculously broken how bout moving the mage rogue devs to a weaker class?

How broken can you possibly make rogues adn mages for decades.
Let the rogue devs move to ENH shammys or FDKs

Isn’t enh and fdk nuts rn?

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Meanwhile every single dev plays hunter


Nowhere near a mage or a rogue. Not even close. You cannot defend mage or rogue.

I could I just don’t feel like arguing with someone who’s so emotionally invested

Only thing I’d change about rogue currently is garrote silence spam tbh

how would u know either way, you don’t play the game at a meaningful level.

Especially when combined. More braindead than ret/war

Sounds like a win-win.

The part time intern that does all the class balancing is probably frustrated reading this.

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Its fun to see rogues and mages defend their permanently broken classes. :rofl: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: