Suggestion regarding layering

I don’t know if this will be listened to or considered this close to launch, but here it is:

instead of making the layers invisible, allow people to choose their layer from the start and then combine them later. For example

Emerald Dream (pvp) layer 1
Emerald Dream (pvp) layer 2
Emerald Dream (pvp) layer 3

you will pick one at launch with the knowledge that these layers will combine at a later date, this way you can’t layer hop and you will always see the same people on your server for the first few weeks. I also feel like people will hate this system less.

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You mean like choosing a server?

Let’s let blizz handle the layering. It’s there for balance and server load. They modified zone sharding so it’s easier to play with friends when traveling between zones.

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They don’t want independent communities to form on each layer that will cause server merge issues when they bring them together.

that’s already what is happening though lmao… Sharding is existing no matter what.

i made a thread suggesting such a thing earlier, which addressed the complications of name changes, guild name changes, and PvP server faction restrictions
anyway, it wouldn’t really work better than layering, but I forgot why; feel free to look for the thread if you wanna know
iirc, its a day or two old

exact type of comment a BFA player would make LMFAO

Yup. You aren’t any better for reducing this conversation to the level of garbage by using insults and acting like you’re superior because you don’t play BFA. Grow up.

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I am superior because I don’t play BFA. you sound like a triggered zoomer paladin.

They did this in GW1 and it worked fine. Not sure about rare resources but that’s going to be an issue either way

Cause bashing something without trying it makes you so much better…

It’s a joke. but yeah I did try it.