Suggestion new Addon: Change PvP System

Suggestion new Addon: Change PvP System

To make PvP more attractive for new PvP Player and reduce boosting.

New Season (0,5%) Title: “xxx/Obsidian/xxx” Hero of the Horde / Alliance + Mount other Color or Pet
RBG only in Season Title, like Gladi in 3v3: Hero of the A/H + Mount

After hitting 2400 cr win 50 games.

Rework MMR / CR System, do it like in Hearthstone.

You can’t lose rating until you hit 1400 cr
You got 1400 cr now you can’t drop below 1400 next rating wall will be 1600 cr.
You are now 1600, you can’t drop below 1600 next wall is 1800.
This go until you hit 2400. At 2400 you can’t drop below 2,4 but there is no safe wall more.
1400 - 1600
1600 - 1800
1950 - 2100
2100 - 2400
2400 - Open

Pls /sign or post your opinion to support PvP

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yeah…i dunno. the rating system is fine. It’s the lack of incentives. Mounts, gear that really make pvp exhaustingly boring.
Bottlenecking the rating. Timekeeping access to conquest.
But the most irrating thing about pvp, since we are in bg, is the fact that in rated bgs you only have 1 viable tank. Yes, I know that some teams can put together a team surrounding a DH tank. But most of RBGS is just sitting waiting for a bear. War, paladin, dk, brews never ever get looked at. You get the odd anomally tank who sneaks up to 1800 and says “im the exception to the rule!” but most teams are never taking a tank outside of a bear.
that has to change. its so pathetic
most importantly. There are no new initiatives to change pvp. No devs with creative drive to change things. They aren’t pouring any attention into pvp and its been that way since 2016 for obvious reasons.
PvP is basically an old cabin in the forest wo leadership just forgot about. its decaying. no one cares. a few us like it but its basically garbage content now

ye, this i also a problem atm you can play only with bear or dh as tank.
maybe we see more in the next addon. another problem is nobody want to take new player because they didnt have xp and maybe more grp will take new players if they cant drop below one of this rating walls.

pls also like Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here - #1242 by Dinoo-stormrage maybe they will give feedback on q and A

LOL no . First of all, what we need is more tmogs spread out per bracket . im not talking breaking up helm , shoulders at 1800 only etc . im talking full sets for diff ratings and recolors and weapon tmogs , mounts etc . for all brackets keep it interesting . Sure they can keep 2400 super special tmogs etc . But like rated needs a lot more rewards to keep ppl queuing all season imo .

it wont get looked at. they dont even put any resources into pvp. It’s in such a decaying state there is no hope of ever fixing any issues. they put all their efforts into m+. which is where most of the players are so it makes sense.
they should just get rid of pvp instead of letting such a disasterous part of the game exist