[Suggestion] More Comp Stomp: "Please sir, can I have some more?"

So despite the lack of the Comp Stomp that was supposed to begin on Tuesday. There has been discussion on how to improve Comp Stomp.

After talking with people in the GD, some would like to see Comp Stomp become a more permanent feature given the track record of Comp Stomp being announced and then it doesn’t even happen despite there being a whole article dedicated to its weekly arrival on the “This Week” page.

I’d also like to propose, along with a more permanent feature of Comp Stomp, that the BG’s eligible be expanded and rotated every other week. And before you go “You want to kill PvP!” No I don’t.
First off the PvP strong arms still have their rated BG and Arenas.
Second, I’m not asking for every BG to be given the AI enemy treatment.
Third: You literally do not have to do Comp Stomp. We aren’t forcing you to.

I think we should have the three BG’s associated with Reputations as a basis for the Comp Stomp treatment. We already have the one, so why not expand it to Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley?

Comp Stomp is, so far as I’ve seen, a beneficial addition to the game that gives people with social issues or anxieties the chance to obtain normal PvP rewards without the over zealous, self appointed leader of the BG yelling at them in terms they don’t understand. It’s a good way for people to learn the ropes of PvP by going up against what I can say is similar to a tutorial simulation. It’s also an excellent mode for people who have had long days at work and just want to smash someone’s face in without the worry they’ll get, once again, yelled at by someone who is acting as the benefacto-leader of the BG.

In other words Comp Stomp a way for people who have anxieties and frustrations with normal BG’s achieve the rewards they like even if they are locked behind PvP.

Also as a friendly reminder, if you’re against this just remember I’m not trying to take away YOUR mode of PvP, You don’t have to do Comp Stomp. It’s simply a secondary game mode.


AV Comp Stomp has been in my top 3 WoW wishlist for a long time.

Well, that and playable ogres.
Third was bots for dungeons and looks like that’s actually happening.


At what level of difficulty would you like to see the bots be for Alteric Valley?
Do the bots scale with ilevel? Level?
Do healers full heal enemy bots to full per casts (like Arathi)

Is it preferred to be a challenge or a quick fun game where you bait to Graveyard and cap in 2 minutes and 45 seconds?

You’re thinking too much into a game mode that is suppose to be less stressful and more fun. Comp Stomp is not a serious means of competition and shouldn’t be made to be.

Comp Stomp should remain how it is now regardless of what BG it takes place in. The “challenge”, level of the AI, the strategic basis should all remain like Arathi Basin but for different BG’s. Comp Stomp is meant to be fun and not something you should get frustrated over. Regardless some people still lose to NPC’s its just not as often.

Someone a few weeks back said Comp Stomp is a good way for PvPers, who took a few weeks off - to catch up. So making Comp Stomp more frequent allows these PvPers who have fallen behind the opportunity to get back into their main modes faster.

Comp Stomp shouldn’t be made too challenging or you lose the reason that makes it a fun and relaxing mode giving people the chance to get base PvP gear looks, passively farm honor to reach certain levels, and other PvP related honor rewards.


What happens when a comp stomp for AV comes out, like we were talking about. The bots are overtuned. What happens if they one shot people.
What if the map takes 20 minutes to clear if you don’t kill certain check points , towers or Graveyards by a certain break point.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a conversation about the mechanics about what people want / think should be for these bots.
Get some opinions or ideas.

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You seem to have some ideas and opinions of your own so I invite you to share them. You keep asking questions expecting other people to answer them for you but you seem to have a general idea of what you want to see so the floor is yours.

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