Suggestion: Meeting stones should summon people in SOD

Seems pretty unusual to me that meeting stones still dont summon people in the version of classic that embraces change.

The best time to implement it would have been on day 1… the second best time is now. Please consider it.

Thank you kindly


10 characters bump

I’m not going to lie when we got to Phase 3 and that change STILL wasn’t in the game I was more than disappointed. That needed to be in the game day 1.
Without having a LFG queuing system we need to at least have summon stones in the game please. Respect your Dad player’s time.


It’s literally no different than Anniversary which has an army of lvl 20 warlocks with x2 level 1 alts, scattered around the world. SoD doesn’t have the pop to do that.

There’s zero reason to not at least consider implementing them, especially on a PvE server.

PvP has logical reasons to not have it.

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Retail is down the hall, on the left.

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You have ulterior motives - clearly a paladin trying to snuff the demon people (warlocks) out of business!

We will not fall for this sham!!! If they aren’t in the wilds summoning I can’t hunt them down!

Seasonal version of classic that has mage healers, rogue tanks, lock tanks, new set bonuses, buyable tier gear from a vendor, 100’s of new skills, lock closets.

Classic anniversary is down the hall, on the right.


We have Warlock stones that can not only summon an uncapped number of people per shard, but also be used by entire factions regardless of groups

I think allowing this (Very extra) convenience change stay and keep alt summon spots slightly relevant still makes sense as the best middleground

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Classic anni is down the hall to the right

Lol that’s what I said

Warlock stones depend on warlocks not only being at the dungeon but also depend on them dropping closets. If you’ve spent anytime with the wow player base the first issue is somewhat common and the 2nd issue is rampant.

The new meta for warlock trolling is to not make a closet but instead single target summon their group mates while other players beg and plead for them to drop a closet. This happened twice to me yesterday and I only ran 3 dungeons

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Due to the seasonal nature of the game I demand instant teleports to any zone, free Naxx gear, and all recipes learned with 0 mat requirements!

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I didn’t realize summoning stones gives you all of that stuff.

I thought it was just a way for dungeon groups to start a bit faster if there wasn’t already a lock closet by the entrance.

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Classic is about the world and travel, classes bringing unique benefits (summoning).

Retail is where you turn off your brain and get teleported from one theme park to another and every class bringing +5% to your stats which don’t even matter cause it isn’t an RPG anymore.


Also don’t get me started on Alliance/Horde summoning closets. It makes no sense. Magic is magic. Summoning closets should work for both factions independent of who’s using it.

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Summoning stones was added for SoM but not SoD…
They are only a positive, In som i noticed more groups posted and they filled up very quickly. I guess tanks and healers are more willing to go if they dont have to run halfway across the world.


Agreed it’s so weird their did it for SoM but not for SoD


Bro is TBC considered retail now because that’s when summoning stones got added… your advocation for your class to make gold is falling on deaf ears. People care about not having their time being wasted, making meeting stones into summon stones was an AMAZING change.


It ain’t about gold for me. It’s just about keeping it classic.

TBC ain’t classic I tell you that much


Neither is chronoboons, but its a W. Same for summoning stones. It doesn’t subtract anything from the experience beside tedium


Era/Anniversary is down the hall to the left… this is a seasonal with changes.

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