Suggestion for late-game rare hunting

One of my biggest frustrations with Dragonflight is how some really sought after dragon customizations are found on rare elites that don’t have any sort of guaranteed drop on them or any rhyme or reason to their spawns like some of the overworld Dragon Isles rares; a particularly grating example for me is the Hairy Crest for the Slitherdrake, which drops off of Spinmarrow in Zaralek. It’s one thing to be unlucky when the content is relevant and the spawn is reliable, but after the spawn changes in 10.2 it just gets hair-pullingly frustrating.

Feels like a reasonable change to add in a final patch would be to add an item that you can sink currencies into (resources, flightstones, gold, other irrelevant miscellanea) that can force spawn a particular rare once a day, some kind of “rare lure”, if you will. Doesn’t have to be a bespoke item for each rare elites, can just be a generic item that you use on their spawn point and bam, there you go. Good idea? Bad idea?

Again, this is something I suggest they add in final patches, like 10.2.7, and intended as a resource sink/bad luck assist, not something they put in at the start of an expac.