Suggestion: Duck Mount + Bakar Mounts!

In a PvP world quest, you can ride a Duck Mount. What if we got a permanent duck mount?

A lot of people I’ve talked to have requested a duck mount. The Model and rigging is there for a duck mount, why not a duck mount?

Release the ducks! :duck:

Also, Bakar Mounts when?! Like Branches said the rigging and models are all there!

Release the good boys! :dog2:


Don’t forget the Bakar mounts that have been in the game files but never added.

We demand :duck: mounts and :dog2: mounts.

(Also Blizzard please use the salamanther skeleton/rigging to make axolotl mounts thx)


I have amended my title and post; Release the Ducks! Release the Good Boys! :duck: :dog2: