Suddnely missing about 35,000 gold help me pls!

Omg I dont know what to do please help. I have been saving gold for a while dailys everyday. I had just over 38k gold and just looked an i now have just over 3k. Please someone help a blue anyone… theres gotta be a way to check my logs I am panicking!


This just happened to me with the “slaves of saronite” daily. After trying to free them with nothing happening I noticed I was missing 16k gold after someone in general chat told me someone here was having the same issue.

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Omg thats when I noticed it missing doing salves to saronite daily this cant be a cooincenence!!!

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I also have the same problem, I lost 103k gold while doing daily on icecrown.
I don’t know what to do, I already opened a ticket but Blizz is busy

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Quest Slaves to Saronite at about 2:35 AM. It appears that when I release a slave for the quest I lose about 5K gold. I see in chat that others experience similar results. I think I lost over 10K gold. I work hard and long for this gold. Please restore my gold. Thank you for your good work and time.

I had the same problem, lost over 10k gold. The quest mobs that normally attack or run away didn’t this time and you could click on them over and over again. I didn’t notice till later that I lost almost all my gold.
After finishing other dailies, I came back and the mobs acted normal, but I didn’t notice gold missing till later after I finished my dailies.
Blizzard stating they seen a number of reports in the last day and are currently investigating, but at this time are unable to restore lost gold.

Not exactly the answer I was hoping for, hopefully they don’t consider this ticket closed.

Same here…I am playing wowtlk, and when i finish quest and go repair my gear, I just lost about 92000 gold somehow… Dont know what to do, and Ulduar coming soon, cant have fun with my gdkp now…Really bad game experience for me

lmfao what yall get for doing dailies. Go do GDKPs for gold like normal people

Thanks for the toxic response.


you are welcome :slight_smile: