Sudden Influx of Australian Servers in BGs

Aussie here. I havent encountered an Australian server in battlegrounds or arena in my entire time playing this game. Even in groups composed of primarily players from Frostmourne, Thaurissan or Barthilas, it always defaults to a US server.

However lately, in the just the past few weeks, there has been a sudden influx of Australian servers for bgs. This sounds nice to have on paper for me personally- at least occassionally. However it seems as though US players who get into these servers aren’t facing an expected ~250ms, but rather completely unplayable lag.

Americans are running in place and unable to move their characters and have no option but to complain in chat about the servers being crap. I on the other hand am enjoying a tall glass of perfect server stability on 47MS.

Have you been experiencing this at all? Surprised no one is talking about this.

What’s server are you on? U.S. player here. I play on whisperwind and dentarg. I’m mostly seeing oceanic realms and U.S. realms during my playsessions with no lag.

It can depend on which local realm they are playing on.

If they are on the west coast, they get routed through Hawaii. If they’re on the east coast, it is possible that they are getting routed through Argentina/French Polynesia…