Sudden Demise goes through absorbs and immunities

In the picture above you can see that I cocooned the warrior but they died to Sudden Demise (an Assassination Rogue talent) anyway. The global went off, the visual was there, it was a solid second up and then the warrior died anyway. The picture comes from the wowarenalogs application.

I spoke to them after the shuffle round and he said he did see it too but thought that cocoon was only for magic damage or so, which we all know isn’t. The fact they saw it rules out it being lag - and there’s also a very clear healing count from Life Cocoon being applied.

Thread in the arena forums:

It seems others have had similar issues, including people dying through divine shield. I have had this same issue before too but didn’t realize it was tied to Sudden Demise.

My guess to this bug is that Sudden Demise doesn’t take into account absorbs and also has some “server lag” where it takes into consideration a specific snapshot of the player and not the latest one, which would also explain it going through Divine Shield (as reported in the original thread).

Note that the Sudden Demise tooltip does not specify it should go through immunities or anything of the sort.

I’m pretty sure sudden demise calculates and triggers instantly when a bleed ticks. I don’t know how this would go through divine shield since divine shield would prevent any bleeds from ticking by instantly removing every bleed. It completely bypasses absorbs though

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Thanks for posting video evidence Battlecruisr.
