Such a waste

So running around Stormwind and noticing all the locked buildings in the city made me realize just how much wasted space there is in this game. There are so many building in the city that the player cannot access that exist as nothing more than to be walls in a maze. Stormwind isn’t the only zone like this (don’t get me started on what a colossal waste of time and space navigating Orgrimar is or the vast wasted nothingness of the mountain ranges in the game that swallow up the lion’s share of most zones like Dun Morogh).

Maybe Blizzard can finally give us ways to open the doors of these empty and play-space eating buildings in Stormwind to give the players more real estate for RP. I know that the computing limitations of 2004 meant most zones had to be dominated by unplayable spaces but c’mon, it’s been 20 years! Technology changes. I think we can start eliminating the wasted spaces in this game, the empty and inaccessible buildings and unused shoreline/mountains of the world that make the maps feel so tiny.


Oh, you crazy dreamer you… :slightly_smiling_face:


But Blizzard is such a small indie company. Surely they don’t have the budget for such fantastical things.


It’s almost like…they could use something like this for portals into player housing!

Seriously, though…yeah. There are a lot of buildings that it’d be great to be able to walk into. It’s probably not on Blizzard’s radar.


Literally my first thought reading OP’s post. Even if the ‘enter door’ was the same location, if we could pick what district the window looked out over?

That’d be preeeeeeeeetty nice.


Gilneas has broom closets for all the houses so I don’t think Blizzard even cares.

Hmmm. Shouldn’t they give chairs to the horde first? Just spit-balling there.


They should give gnome-sized tables and chairs to the Normal-Leggedied peoples of Azeroth. Why!? Why are gnomish tables and chairs so big?

That is some Long-Leggedied nonsense right there!


Would make rp so much more immersive :smiley: Been pondering that myself for years. cool house out by themselves just empty too

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Doors that do not open has long since been a video game pet peeve of mine.


Just tossing this out there but I have made it my mission to find awesome houses and other places that would be AMAZING for RP, if you ever see me in town(or anywhere else) hit me up give me a zone and I can most likely offer you a choice of several fun places to explore and get great RP(and yes OP…I have even found some PERFECT gnomish houses)


Boralus is a really nice city for indoor locations because a lot of the buildings in the city have open doors which is part of what makes Boralus feel so much bigger than Stormwind.


Do you really think that opening doors you don’t really know how to close is wise? I mean there are an awful lot of warlocks running around these days. No telling what demons they have summoned and lost control of over the years.

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You know Pook you should get someone to fly you to Amirdrassil sometime. Great open places to sit and explore. And you’d enjoy it for your street photography too.

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Amirdrassil. I don’t believe the Pook’s ever been there.

I’m pretty sure you can just use the portal in the portal room to get there- you don’t need to fly.

Yeah but the Pook is F2P so current content is pretty much inaccessible to me.

Oh another cool idea more interactive NPCS. :smiley:

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The one that really gets me is Karabor, in WoD Draenor. Can you imagine if that big beautiful cathedral-like building had an interior? There’s a video out there of the unused, unfinished inside of it. Seriously tragic.

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