Succubus quest broke?

Yeah yeah last week until Cata, but friend wanted to level a char in the old world before the Cata update. They started during Cata, wanted to see the old world, regular classic they say is too slow for their liking, so they suggested this a week before Cata, anyway, back to the topic, we made warlocks, got the Org succubus quest, the drop rate was being trash so I said “We are almost 30 and heading to UC anyway, we can just pick up that one and do that since it’s on the way and a named mob with 100% drop” so we got rid of the org one, went to UC, no quest offered, said “Oh well guess we have to do the org one” and it’s not offered at Org either, so it is literally impossible to get the succubus right now. Any fixes to this? (Besides “Just wait until Cata” that misses the point)

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Keep playing with the blueberry. For the sake of a week it’s not worth losing sleep over.

Try Silvermoon? I did it not too awful long ago. IIRC I had to get quest out of SM then go to UC. Even tho I am a BE, it was kinda dumb since I was already questing in UC area anyway and had been using the trainer there.

We are going to keep leveling, they just never experienced the old class quests, so was kind of a disappointment, was seeing if there was a fix before we continue tomorrow.

Yeah we got the SMC one (checked there quick), it sends you to UC, and when you turn it in at the guy doesn’t offer the follow up.

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bummer. It’s actually 2 quest. You get incubus also. Each one has a prequest so it’s a bit involved. Plenty of time still if you can figure out WTH is up with it. Good luck

Just remembered, when I got the quests, it was not at the trainer up in the little hallway. The NPC is by the summon circle

Yeah it’s not a case of remembering the wrong quest giver, I checked all of the ones in the chain to be sure in case I forgot I was on another part or such. It’s just a bug. Someone in trade said it’s a layerign bug, but the few that I got to invite me were not on different layers.

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