Succubus is sexist please remove/ incubus incoming

But where is the source with the numbers I can make numbers up too

you do not deserve a source.

Then Iā€™ll assume itā€™s made up

Sure i made it all up. just like your fake rage about the succubus.

Sorry but times up. Whether we like it or not.

Probably, but they arenā€™t going to like it when they find out there is only going to be a bunch of social justice warriors nitpicking at their game, well what is left of it, and other people will be off doing other things.
Having 600k people logging in world wide, when they once had 12 millionā€¦ yeah. people want a game that is rated 16+.
only way that i will accept this and be happy with it, if they turn their butt around and clean up goldshire on my server, til then, they are just allowing the tail to wag the dog.

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But you donā€™t know the actual numbers. Besides, Ion said that players play on cycles. This is no different.

Ok thatā€™s a real life issue letā€™s talk about that and inspire changeā€¦. Not sit here and try to get fantasy things removed from a world that isnā€™t realā€¦ā€¦.

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Actually i do know the numbers, they are on google, unclick the crying sjw videos and look for yourself. of course they play in cycles. but having your numbers drop as i stated, then you have an issue. no one in Blizzard will admit they have a problem. they think people and businesses will flock back to their bland game that lacks originality.
No skin showing, no funny mildly lewd names, its all a smoke and mirror tactic to cover up their behavior irl.
You are not the little hero in this, you arenā€™t the one coming up with ideas on what to cancel next, you may feel this wayā€¦ butā€¦ old saying goesā€¦


This is all I watch

on your side in this. Be mad at the dead guy that plays the class that dominates the minds of demons then sits here on a high horse thinking heā€™s a martyr of change and wokeness


If I am the lightning rod that blizzard needs to enact positive change around here, so be it.

Think you mean turd sandwichā€¦ Or Turd in the punchbowl. No one wants these changes, and in the end. WokeBlizzard will be like ā€œWhere everyone goooo?ā€ like the vulpera joke. instead making a drink out of nasty stuff in a flirtā€¦
it will beā€¦
ā€œhey, we took down cleavage, the mildly offensive names, and crude jokesā€¦ all forā€¦ HEYY where did everyone go?ā€

Meanwhile at FF14ā€¦
ā€œThis is funā€¦ no woke crap for milesā€


I think you underestimate the love people have for this game. As a matter of fact, I think they are going to rise from the ashes like a beautiful baby Phoenix.


You are not fooling anyone.

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Advocate for change in the work place not in a fantasy world that affects no one.


It affects many people. Millions. Our entire community.

Stop the child acting its a game shut up

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Itā€™s more than a game to many people.

You need to grow up