Succubus is sexist please remove/ incubus incoming

Art imitates life imitates art

No real answer.

Cool. So how is removing the succubus fixing the problem too and not lip service?

I bet again you have no answer, because this is all nonsense.


Dying to lustful behavior is justifying it? What?

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Counterpoint, how does it help it? They could have use that time to actually make gameplay better.

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Really? I have yet to see a person shapeshift in RL into a druid form. Or up here with all the mines, bloodshed over stone.

Heck, we buy food at the grocery store here, we don’t wield a sword to take down cattle.

And how does these changes that do not need changing help blizzard clean up their workplace?

It doesn’t.


Autoerotic asphyxiation

It’s the culture that needs to change

Druids exist in history and shapeshifters in lore

Dafuq does that have to do with anything, if you want to rub one out, wearing a batman costume, and hang yourself at the same time… Blizzard, WoW, and us the players have nothing to do with that, that’s on you.

And changing the word “consort” to something else is changing the culture?

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Yeah the dictionary even tells me that this means committed relationship. I think people are bringing fan fiction into the game a little too much and making up reasons to be offended.

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Turn the Succubus into a fruit with 2 legs. But make sure those legs are covered in armor, we wouldn’t want to offend.


Just responding to the statement

Well yeah.

Terminology is a part of cukture.

I drew a pear warrior. Took so long, like 3 minutes in paint.

The comment I got was that the bottom was too round and sexy… I don’t think fruit will pass the sniff test.

Attack of the killer tomatos

And what is sexist about the word consort?

It simply means the significant other of the monarch. Men can also be consorts, such as the late Prince Phillip.

Just stop with the fake outrage Lokath. Grow up please.


Why does it bother you that they changed it?

Because it is not needed. It is pointless. It does nothing.

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