Subtlety Rogue M+ Question

Why I just can be best DPS in group when playing DH every 30 sec.

And I need 1.5 - 2 min CDs to just do normal damage as a subtlety rogue?

Tanks that pull packs with 2-4 mobs in M+ is my nightmare when play subtlety rogue too.


Welcome to Rogue life where you work 3 times harder for 50% of the results other DPS enjoy.

Playing a Rogue optimally in PVE is like being a master at the piano and being able to read a teleprompter at the same time.

Multi tasking taken to the next level…


:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Sub sustain aoe is bad.


They need to buff shuriken and black powder.

Not everything is about burst.

Having a mix of sustain and burst is generally what i like the most.

And yes, after they removed seal fate from the class tree, that basically killed any chance for sub to ever be good at low numbers, like 2 to 5 targets. Forget good, even decent, it’s not like sub was great at 3 targets before the rework, just better than now.

Overall, i actually started out really liking the rework, but after some time my opinion on it got worse. Significantly worse.

Outlaw has the flow, but also significant issues, it could be one of the best, most fun classes to play but due to some pretty dumb decisions it isn’t. Like bte cd not being reset when you enter stealth or the removal of dreadblades. And if they keep the opportunity proc, count the odds, hidden opportunity and energy regen as it is now, i will not play outlaw straight up, because without the tier set outlaw is nigh unplayable. And outlaw simply doesn’t scale with secondary stats, this is OBJECTIVELY an issue. They can buff the spec periodically so it keeps up with other specs, but that’s not the main issue, the main issue is that this really limits the amount of gear that’s useful for you. It’s undeniably bad. Mastery, haste, and even crit are basically dead stats. For me, everything that isn’t versatility sims terribly.

Sub had nice flow, but removal of seal fate was really bad, for outlaw not really, not appreciated but not too bad, but for sub it was BAD. But sub aoe is really bad.

Assassination has a few issues, but it’s the one i play the least, so the only thing i can point out is that… Why do i need to mutilate once in a while in aoe to keep up caustic? Please just make caustic apply on your main target when you cast fan of knives.


the rogue “rework” this expansion really, really, really hurt us sub rogues in m+

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current iteration of sub takes alot of planning and understanding of cd reduction usage via vanish to have good results in keys. Your tank also need to know when you have cds to pull abit larger to not waste your damage potential.

Its alot harder to play now compared to first 2 seasons of sub

Its only good in coordinated groups that plans cds and pull accordingly around cds

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In terms of pure performance and general enjoyment id say that’s a downgrade.

The rotation itself is fun, but…

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