Subtlety rogue getting buffed in next tuning phase

Not sure if it has been mentioned here yet. The next tuning update shows the subtlety specialization getting buffed.

Notable mentions are shadowstrike’s damage being increased by 10% and shadow blades cooldown being reduced to 2 min, down from 3 min.


But they failed to fix Dark Brew, Thiefs Bargain, or Subterfuge breaking stealth when you use Grappling Hook.

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Dark Brew is still broken?

That talent is literally the only thing currently holding sub back with these changes coming in, otherwise Sub is behind both other specs in single target and AoE.

Imagining Rupture becoming pure shadow and getting buffed by the bonus shadow damage we get in the tree, sub then becomes very good on 4 target cleave.

Brew is working 100% fine lol. All the damage chart addons aren’t updated for it yet, but if you check in combat log every tick of your Rupture is dealing shadow damage when you have Brew spec’ed.

The big bug with Sub now is how Secret Technique’s 2nd and 3rd shadow damage strikes aren’t benefitting from our shadow damage amps like Deeper Daggers or Brew. Secret Technique is a big deal now because it’s a must-have for all Danse Macabre builds, and every top-simming build specs into Danse Macabre. Basically, what happens is the 2nd and 3rd hits of SecTech comes from Akaari clones, and is coded as pet damage, so multipliers to ourselves don’t work on them. And, so far, the dev handling Rogue stuff admitted that they’re having trouble finding a fix. The expectation is that Sub will play the first patch/tier with a bandaid fix(likely in the form of another flat damage buff) to the issue, as there are many other things to work on beyond Rogues, and it will be dealt with at a later time.

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