Subscription Change Troubles

So I just saw a post that Blizzard is implementing a $29.99 dollar subscription instead of the $14.99 a month one. The $29 gives you 2 months but…no. With all the Bill’s I pay all I can really afford is the $15/month one and if this goes through I’ll likely quit and pick up FF14 or something. I’m a dedicated player and have been for 12 years, there are other ways of removing bot players and all that jazz but this is NOT it blizzard. Shown the pic of the post to a few friends, one was considering coming back and after seeing this, not anymore and a few others are considering canceling their subscriptions as well. Blizzard, you NEED to revoke this cause its NOT a good look for you guys.


Wait what?! they are changing the price again?!

here i am sitting with 6 months i cant even refund…blizz is a joke!

This is not a change to the subscription price. This is a change to the availability of time cards only. If you pay by subscription, everything is the same.

If you play by adding time with cards, you will only be able to get 60 day cards going forward.


If you’re talking subscription as in paying monthly in a reoccurring sub, then that hasn’t changed.

If you pay on a month to month basis, that has changed.

It’s not a good change, but make sure you have the correct information.

This is false.

Game time is not a subscription

You can still pay month to month.


Minor change, though, seeing as how you can just pay for a month of a sub and then take your card out until you want to pay again.

If it were me and $15 dollars meant the difference between making bills or not, I think a game would be the least of my concern.


Totally easy fix for this Just unsub one month… Save that $15 for that month and apply it to next month…

This does not apply to subscription only month to month

Wow subscriptions are NOT changing. the options for buying single chunks of game time are changing. a 1-month subscription isn’t changing in any way

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True, though it still seems dumb either way. If they left any option online, it should have been the 30 days, imo.

I honestly didn’t even know 30 days was an option for game time. I’m used to physical time cards, which were $30 for 60 days, so I think I just assumed buying it through the digital shop was the same way. lol

Fair! And it doesn’t affect me, I’m in a six month reoccurring because it’s cheaper long term. But a few of our raiders pay month to month and they honestly don’t really want to go the route of subbing and cancelling each month they want to play, so I’m worried they may not come back.

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Eh… it takes two seconds to delete your credit card or PayPal from your account. I hope you don’t lose people over that.

Ok so the information was 0osted in error and pertained to game time cards? But again it doesnt sound like it did so my apologies on that error. Still, it sounds REALLY bad and doesnt look good seeing as the post I saw was missing that bit of info.

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That’s not how math works but ok.

It might take that long, but some were already teetering on the edge of if the game is worth it. Even small changes like this can make it seem pointless to keep going. While I’m enjoying Shadowlands well enough, some really aren’t. At changes, minuscule as they can be, can tip that precarious balance.

I mean Hell, I’ve had one of the worst weeks since college and the thing that finally tipped me into mental shut down was Capcom delaying Monster Hunter Rise for the Americas last night. Super small and minor, but on top of a really bad weak and it felt catastrophic.


It is not a minor chage. It’s essentially awful for anyone outside of the US.

It’s very likely that in 3-4 months the forums will be finally free of the snarky Forsaken.

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Some had said this is a change to Game Time Cards. Not true.

For a while I was buying Time Card in the game section at Walmart. It has always been $29.99. Now I buy 6 months at a time and I am good until May 2022.

That would make me sad.

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How is that NOT how math works? 15 x 2 isnt 30? Damn, better get Steven hawking on the phone