It is what I was saying.
The entire point is that MMR is volatile and can be gamed like anything else. When I hit 2400 the first time I showed exactly what was happening… That you could lose 300+ rating or more and still come back after a few matches AND even surpass that because of the positive gains you made to your MMR that only happened because of the losses.
As I said as well, you’re likely not going too far from where you were previously, maybe less than a 100 points in a best case scenario, but it could be the difference of making 2100 or even 2400.
The hilarious part of this whole exchange is players openly mock others on the forums because of games played and their rating earned. Most of them say it for the same reason… simply by stroke of luck, you might hit a rating much higher then you’re ability level. Knowing that, obviously you can increase your probability of hitting those streaks, but it still requires a ton of games played. And with that, starting for a lower MMR/CR is better than simply starting from a CR that you already flatlined in.