Submitting PvP feedback

I miss the old days. :frowning:


Nerf survival

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They read too many cry posts about turtle animation getting hunters killed


How it feels rn

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be blizz dev
open up the forums
see an enhancement shaman talking to themself on two characters
close forums

probably how it goes


That isn’t something that happened. This another burner account?

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Look, I also wish there was an actual forum rep who pvp’d and read/posted here, but to be completely honest SO much of the feedback is terrible.

There was a warrior who went on for over 200 posts about how he played perfectly despite a vod review and suggested that warrior needed several buffs to increase uptime.

There was a dk/dh/warrior who said to remove pillars and that faking kicks should lock players out.

There are warlocks who say that melee mobility should be pruned.

There are melee players who say that roots and spammable cc should be removed.

There are players who say that all CC should be on the same DR.

You yourself said that it is advantageous to intentionally 0-6 in solo shuffle to get easier lobbies.

So many people have genuinely no idea what they’re talking about and not enough people ask for help or consider the game outside the limited perspective of a single class/spec.


Maybe blizz should hire you.

Good. I would prefer Blizzard never look at PvP forums again.

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According to the latest post, they’re closely monitoring PvP and will act when necessary.

Agree with everything remove movement , pillars and cc these are the things keeping me hardstuck challenger

Bolded for emphasis because this has always been the overarching issue when it comes to player feedback regarding balance in the game


So they should buff Aug evoker is what your saying

Aug should be considered a tank spec from a PvP perspective imo until they recreate the spec from the ground up and they’ll only do that if there is enough negative feedback from the buffing aspect of the spec from PvE players

Pretty sure outside of high end key runners and hall of fame raiders, the PvE community considered Aug to be a success

So many people have genuinely no idea what they’re talking about and not enough people ask for help or consider the game outside the limited perspective of a single class/spec.



Trying to balance 36+ specs without several feeling underpowered in relation to the rest is something that no set of players is going to accomplish any better than the devs have over the last 10 years.

You can also listen to R1 players on stream just say the most giga fried stuff about class balance, yet so many people flock to the “Blizzard should hire R1s to balance the game”

You want Jahmilli and others to balance the game? We sure about that?

Game balancing is a much more complex and difficult task than anyone gives it credit for, and none of us would be any better at it than the current set of devs.


but sp is top tier how is that not fun???10millionquestionmarks???

this spec is so air

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Yeah I’d take middle of the pack and fun over what we have now. I’m going on 2 seasons of inactivity on my favorite spec because of my own personal protest against the current “meta” version we have now.

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In the past, you could send PvP feedback directly to Holinka via Twitter. He’d at least look at what you’re sending. If something was broken, it would be addressed.

These days, there’s nobody. Who knows if anyone is gathering PvP feedback from anywhere.