Submit Your Questions for the WoW Development Team Here

Hey Blizz,
With WoW Cata Classic coming, it only further fuels the desire for the old guild system.

Is 11.0 going to update Guilds more so than just cross-realm? Will we get a leveling system to work towards and more rewards to unlock as a group?

Any UI/API updates!?
Calendar Updates!?

Guild ID? Battle tag for guildies. Auto group under guild main/alias.

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With all the recent updates to removing barriers, account wide unlocks and making the game more transparent. Are there any plans to unlock MoP and/or WoD challenge mode appearances?

Due to external circumstances, many players were unable to have the opportunity to get these sets when they were released. By keeping them locked, it is alienating more players and contributing to an exclusive environment rather than an inclusive one. As the blizzard team continues to remove barriers to obtain past armor sets, like T3 sets, I would please ask for an official response on the possibility of gaining armor sets from challenge modes in MoP and WoD. Thank you very much for your time and the amazing Blizzcon!


Will we see major updates to the foundation started in Dragonflight for the 11.0 Professions. will secondary professions be included? Fishing revamp?

Improvements to the Crafting order system?

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With the expansion of dynamic flying to be added to the old world properly, and once said possible racial advantages no longer a concern - can we expect the Drac’thyr soar ability to fully incorporate these different flight modes?

Additionally how can we expect these changes to affect our winged Demon hunters and druid friends in the world?


Blizz, if things are well-liked in Season of Discovery, is there a possible future for things to be brought forward to retail? I.e. Make my Shaman Tanking Dreams a reality. Stony Bro & I need this!

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Can there please be Wrath of the Lich King era servers?

Will the normal content phases still exist in Season of Discovery (for example, will the gates of AQ event still happen)?

Will we get to choose other races as visage forms soon. Not using other racial just the cosmetic form.


Any plans to update the models for more classic beasts in retail like foxes, nightsabers, turtles, and uh… owls and more?

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SoD warriors need a healing spec where they rub dirt in wounds to heal. If they do it to enemies it hurts them.

I saw a Dev interview question about old mount customization and how that’s not a planned thing.
What about consolidating mounts that only differ by a skin colour to reduce the mount collection page bloat. It is ridiculous to scroll past 700+ mounts when if you consolidate it down to ACTUAL different mounts it could maybe be as low as 200-300 mounts instead.
Since the journal is filterable by “Not Collected” to show skin colours you haven’t obtained yet at a glance.
Or maybe add in another filter to consolidate mounts.
Otherwise we wait for an addon creator to consolidate things for you.

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With the focus on evergreen content the team is now taking, will we ever see old raids become relevant again? Not just through timewalking but something more permanent that’s always around, like an endgame pillar dedicated to doing legacy old raids, or the ability to level alts through LFR wings of old raids. Something like FFXIV’s roulette system

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Can we get Legion Classic nobody asked for Cataclysm.

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When do we get warcraft 2 boats or airships

Cannot do unrated PvP cross faction. Let me play with my poor Alliance friends already. They’re already under-represented.

Also allow horde v horde / ally v ally queues like in classic. Horde queues are miserable sometimes. The problem has been mitigated in Classic so time for Retail to catch up. :smiley:

Dracthyr soar will get dynamic flying, as well as Druids. They haven’t said anything on Demon Hunter but seems unlikely as they’re more of a controlled slow fall than flying.

Some classes spells have/had a ton i.e. water elemental.

Others barely any

Let’s go nuts!!! glyphs for everybody.
Blue lightning bolt, white, yellow.
Old effect, new effects

Healing rain with cloud, healing rain with big drops

Earth ele cara, classic, wrath, etc

No power just pure cosmetic fun!

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Allow 10m mythic raiding. Maintaining a 20m roster at the level of difficulty that is mythic raiding can be a challenge now that me and my friends are getting older. It is much easier to find 10 people than 20 obviously.

I believe in the balancing team’s abilities here. Please give us what we’ve been asking for since SOO. :slight_smile:

Hi Dev Team;
Are there plans for additional quality of life improvements for different parts of the UI that are still difficult to use without addons designed to navigate them?
I’ve got a few examples I’ve been thinking about, but I’m sure there is plenty of others.

Toy Box sorting:

The toy box in the collections tab gets difficult to search through with such limited sorting capabilities. Would it be possible to allow players to make multiple lists of favorites so they could effectively create improved usage? Even something as simple as making the favorite “star” instead offer a list of all the raid markers so players can tag for example all portal toys with X, all costumes with star, all hearthstones with diamond etc etc.
Alternatively (or additionally) allow individual toys to be flagged to show for only specific races, classes, or factions so as to not clutter the list up with wasteful space.
At that point just give players a list of priority order within the list so they can lay it out themselves. Make it like the character list so they can click and drag each marker to the order they like.

Talent Loadouts:

Having a talent loadout update to any changes you make to it on a once off can be very annoying when it ends up overwriting your standard templates.
Talent Loadouts would work better if they saved the same way Outfit sets save; in that activating an outfit and then making adjustments to it wont save those adjustments to the outfit automatically when you apply it to your armor.
For Talent Loadouts that would look like getting into an M+, switching to your M+ loadout, then making your individual adjustments for that specific dungeon and the affixes of that week. The next time you switch to your M+ loadout you dont want it to be that modified M+ loadout, you want it to be your standard M+ template so you can make new adjustments for the dungeon you are using it for.
This is why Talent Loadouts should save as Talent Templates like the Outfit Templates do, not as the current Talent Loadouts save any adjustment you make for any situational once off. Even if its just an added confirmation box when applying a talent build if you want to overwrite your saved Loadout or save it as a new Loadout would make it so much better.

Mailbox name autocomplete:

Autocomplete is great if you only have a few characters or they all have distinct names, however once you have a big guild or dozens of alts with similar names it becomes quite difficult to find the name of specific characters.
Addons like Postal that give you a dropdown list of all your alts, all your guild members, all your friends etc in separate list all sorted alphabetically with class colors and realms/guildranks next to each to make it easy to find the desired target.

Granted the Warband system should resolve a lot of this by making mailing yourself things unnecessary, however the issue/idea remains.

Copying UI elements from one character to another:

Having a method when starting a new character, or a new spec to load up all your preferences you’ve selected on your main would save a lot of time for setting up and getting into actually playing the game. Again there are addons that can copy hotbar, keybinding and macro preferences, however being able to do this with the standard UI would allow doing so to also include options settings, chat & chat channel settings, etc.

Mount, Pet, Appearance sorting:

Similar to how cluttered the Toy Box can be, the other Collections aren’t much better. Being able to use the Set Favorite option per item but expand it to have options for all 8 of the raid markers, Race, Class, and Faction would allow sorting to be much more player designed. After being able to put markers on each item having a Character Select Screen style character list that the player can click & drag the favorite categories to the order they prefer. Being able to log into a new Orc Shaman character and having my mount list automatically sort my marked favorite Orc, Shaman, Horde mounts at the top of the list for me would be useful.

Transmog Cropping and Clipping:

Finding out your new hat crops your hair and beard away can be incredibly frustrating. It would be far too big a task for Blizz employees to take every single piece of armor and test each and every character customization option for if it will clip that specific customization option so that they can flag it for not being cropped when being used, for every single race/bodytype combo available to players. Unique NPCs have been seen to have these individual adjustments made to undo cropping where it isn’t needed, so why not just allow the players to do it instead?
Each armor would need to be coded to either show or hide character customizations on the back end where you guys get to see the code. So why not just move that to a checkbox on the player side and let the players crop each of their customizations as they see fit? This way Blizz would not need to go through the entire history of armor appearances and adjust them individually, you could simply make it a toggle in the Barbershop or Transmogrification NPC (or both)
If players could do this on a per item basis and then save it to their Outfit Templates it would resolve the issue entirely. Treat it the same way Tmogging shoulderpads separately works. Just put a list of checkboxes in the Transmog UI whenever a piece of armor is highlighted.
Crop Hair X, Crop Horns X, Crop Eyebrows X, Crop Beard X, etc etc. If players choose to look like a disaster then at least they had the option to do so.
Do this with things like Tabards to choose to Crop the Top, Front Flap and Back Flap separately, since the 3D belts clip at the front and the new skirt leggings clip at the back. By being able to crop the top it allows tabard, chest and shirts to be used to make multiple body options within just the chest slot.
Having those choices entirely in the player’s hands resolves issues with design as well because the artists don’t have to work around the flaws of the cropping/clipping issues character models run into so much.

Cutaway Walls & Camera clipping:

I think we have all had issues with the camera clipping on a doorway or a chandelier or tree branches. This issue is especially bad for tanks as they are almost always forced to stand between a wall and a boss’s feet. I don’t know if its possible or not but could we use similar tech that is used in The Sims franchise to hide items that are technically behind the player’s viewpoint so that the camera doesn’t get caught and zoom in erratically?

I hope you manage to read all of this and consider these ideas. Thank you for the work you all do.


Although I doubt they’d give the exact set away I would love a recolour of the MoP challenge mode set for doing a similar challenge like what they did with the Mage Tower challenge (Legion).

Will our casters weapons ever get used in our animations for casting? It would be nice to work them into the visuals rather than be stat sticks.

I.e unleash weapon/life shamans

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