Guild & Server: Mal’Ganis
Raid Team: Two Months Tops
Raid Times: Wed/Thurs 10PM to 1AM CST
Current Progression: 10/10 H, 6/10 Mythic
Recruitment Contact: Discord –Sabad#9958; B-Net - Sabad#1769
Raider io:
Requirements: We are looking for people with an understanding of what mythic raiding entails and the willingness to commit to a team. Mythic experience is ideal, but not required. We are currently a Mythic progression team with the intent to move in to pushing for CE once we have a stable roster. We have a strong foundation, but we need to fill roster holes and prepare for inevitable turnover and burnout. Positive attitude and sound mechanics far outweigh amazing parses. If you can bring all three, even better.
Ranged DPS - Balance Druid, Elemental Shaman, Warlock
Melee DPS - DK and Warrior (tanking off-spec would be superb)
Exceptional players will always be considered
where dem discs at?
We killed stuff and things
Xy’mox dead
Bumped for progress. About to start dancing.
Do you show up to raid regularly? Even a little early? Slide in to these DMs.
I heard they have a hilarious holy paladin that is just a joy to be around.
Sign up today to find out for yourself!
Updated to add some needs
Soularc - Mal’Ganis
Frost Mage 223ilvl 4/10M
Battletag archuleta# 11859
I am looking for a new guild to raid with. Time that you guys raid look good to me.
Bumped for progress
Steady progress, chill environment, get to make fun of the GM all you like. What’s not to love? Apply today!
Holes in need of filling, there are. - Yoda (probably)