Sub Rogue PVE Viability

Any sub rogues on here excelling at TWW raids and mythics? Any tips besides mastering the rotation?

I’m making it work, but having a really hard time making it work well. My survivability is awful and damage output mediocre. I align all five multipliers (SoD, SD, SB, CB, Flagellation) for Secret Technique and my damage is still underwhelming compared to the ranged casters who don’t have to dodge the melee AoE attacks. Currently, what is a sub rogue’s viability for a raid group over the sin spec? Being able to spam interrupts using the dust CDR?

Probably skill issue, sure, but I never met a fellow sub rogue in the wild to compare with. Sin rogues had on average of 30% more damage than me in dungeons or raids (small sample size). So my question is, is it worthwhile to slug through it and really try to master the fundamentals or am I just a stubborn fool for not switching to sin?

I am also wondering how sub is doing in pve content. I want to level mine, but already turned off by the hero talents. So I’m worried how the dmg is looking in raids, mythic, delves.

Sub is top 5 overall damage specs in the raid after the first few days of the raid being out.

make sure you are using Rupture on multiple targets, make sure SnD is running, and don’t be stingy with cool downs. Line them up together as much as possible, but if you can use one and another has like 15+seconds before its up, don’t wait. cool down driven class needs to be sure they are using cool downs, on cool down.


PvE is very viable. Make sure to be liberal with Shadow Dance and Symbols of Death. It’s not PvP so you aren’t holding on to them to try and murdered someone in a Kidney shot. Take talents that make rupture better and help with energy. This spec can be energy starved in PvE.