Hey guys,
I recently spent a good while working on the mage tower for my rogue. I looked at guides and found none were overly helpful so I thought I’d make a quick recap of what I found most helpful so you too can get your rogue set with less trouble than I had!
I’ll admit at one stage It felt impossible or at least I thought it would take a long time of farming for old expansion gear but I managed to pull it off with minimal changes to my shadowlands gear setup.
Here is a list of tips I found to be necessary for my success:
-Mark of hidden satyr neck enchant (will need lower ilvl neck piece to use this)
-steak a le mode food buff
-veiled augment rune
-flask of spectral power
-scroll of battle shout
-shadowcore weapon oil x 2
-drums of fury (use on second phase after first adds die)
-potion of unbridled fury (use on first and start of second phase)
-mind-numbing poison first phase/instant poison second phase
-shuriken tornado talent (for adds)
First phase:
Biggest takeaway here is to save shadowstep cooldown for jumping to outer frost spikes or to jump across room quickly during the clone ability he uses. If you play this phase slow, focusing on alternating interrupt, blind, kidney shot and using vial on cooldown you shouldnt have any issues. Important to have shadowblades and 2 charges of shadow dance up during transition to phase 2, and preferably full combo points for slice and dice.
Second phase
Trick to second phase is to hug the outer corner of the room the whole time, when adds die try to have them die near the boss so you dont lose any space and boss starts attacking you where he left off. Keep slice and dice going the whole time, auto attacks will he a huge percentage of damage.
I thought the dps check was very tight to begin with but when you play efficiently with cooldowns you should get the boss down before the room is flooded.
Feel free to ask any questions or offer your suggestions for others because this was definitely a bit overwhelming!