Sub rogue gameplay vids?

Anyone know where I can watch some gameplay for sub rogues in arena? I’ve been wanting to watch something other than sin rogues for a while.

You’ll get better at this game mechanically by watching this than watching any current sub rogue gameplay.


Been playing with nahj/stungod, they both stream but stungod hasn’t streamed his PoV much

Nahj definitely has more vods from his PoV, stungod might have more in the future




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Alessia’s legion rogue mage movie was pretty disgusting (in a good way) for “modern” sub. Got nothing but love for Kamiky tho.


Why would he want to watch this. I get it this rogue is probably your hero but the game has changed too much in the past 10 years for this to be of any help

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Nahj/stungod/swacked… i stream but im not high enough mostly sub fire 2s. But if you want the best of the best definitely sub to one the former mentioned

That might be the most ignorant statement I’ve ever heard, and I can explain why.

1.) Old PvP videos have a ton of information in them that is incredibly useful to players even today, from positioning, to tricks, abuse of game mechanics and general “play making”.

OP is a Rival - Duelist level player, a lot of what holds players in this category back is stuff like positioning and or taking advantage of game mechanics or enemy player psychology. When I was a duelist level player, and even on to Gladiator level, I watched Taximan 1-2-3 along with Flubbah and a range of other healers in order to get better.

Here is a great example of Taximan doing the “Bridge” juke, or “Chas Jump” aka, taking advantage of an enemy player’s assumption of what Taxi would do.

Plays near edge, walks to it, stops, jumps and the enemy melee jumps off the cliff, effectively creating a massive gap between the two players, allowing Taxi to recover or CC. This works to this day on players from 1200-3k MMR. I would never have thought to do this without watching an old WOTLK video.

Flubbah in Cata would eat traps with his Elementals by standing in front of a wall to make the ele drop at his feet, would’ve never known that without watching his videos.

Dillypoo used to position next to his healer at the end of a Living Bomb during its “pandemic” portion, which meant the mage either had to let it expire, or reapply it, either way it’d break the poly. That was a MoP thing.

It doesn’t matter when the video is from, the underlying mechanics of abusing game abilities and terrain, positioning, tricks and awareness are all things that can be used to get better at this game.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


Lol you don’t need to watch a video from 2008 to learn how to juke someone off a ledge. I’ve never heard the term ‘chas jump’ in my life. You’re just overhyping your wotlk heroes. Obviously there is mechanical overlap between modern WoW and previous expansions, but OP will learn 50x more simply watching some retail r1 stream a few games. Especially since he said he just wants to watch some sub gameplay.

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ok bfa elite with mega edgy name, sorry u know much more than me, i apologize my brain not as big as rogue boi

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Don’t be so fragile, I never attacked you. And if u think my name is edgy you literally have ‘qt’ in yours lol

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Your brain isn’t working, idk how you didn’t comprehend sarcasm in that entire post

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Fragile = Getting butthurt easily, and then tossing some C- tier petty insults lmao. Anyway have a good day, don’t forget to study up on your Swifty 1 VODs

ty quackurs i appreciate the insight on differing tiers for insults. hopefully bfa grants u another glad

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You don’t need to. But it’s a good resource. There’s a lot more passion and therefore material to learn from in the older expansions. There’s plenty of instructional guides that have relevance today in terms of strategy, or mindset.

Do you need to watch wotlk to learn to fake jump off a ledge? No. But can you as easily pull up an example from BFA? It’s really as simple as that. If there was someone putting out educational, or relevant modern clips with the lessons in them. Obviously, that would be ideal. There’s not a lot of BFA content creators compared to the absolute wealth of them from previous expansions. So you work with what you’ve got. To be clear it’s not that there aren’t BFA content creators. It’s that there are lessons you wont learn from them, or more precise, specifically educational examples from the past. I could link you a timestamp in a VoD and write out an explanation of why it’s a good thing to watch and learn from, or just link you something from cata that explains it for me.

For example, still a good resource. Doesn’t say too many things that are specific to the expansion. Explains a lot of helpful mindset points.


I’m trying to get out of that category, or at least into a solid high duelist category, so honestly anything helps when it comes down to learning something new in PvP.

My biggest problem is positioning currently, and having good synergy with pugs (since I only pug nowadays, and have been mostly afraid until recently to use voice).

Thanks for the vid!