Sub Rogue Arena changes?

I mean, I don’t think there’s too much to say here. Duel remove is good. You said that several times. Sub is already struggling WITH duel, though, so it’s definitely getting a nerf while not being great. It could use a buff. I feel like this is pretty fair and reasonable.

sub will be cc bot without damage. or maybe a little burst. no more.

I think you miss the point of forums. While you’re statement is partially true. Feedback is a data point that historically have been used to decide when classes need adjusted. If you don’t shine light on an issue it can go unnoticed especially when people like yourself spread misinformation on how Sub is completely fine because ‘Kalvish’ is high rated with it. Yes it’s not the sole way balance is decided but it is a point on the decision tree.

Again you use other specs being good as a reason adjustments shouldn’t be made. This is just a god awful statement on how blizzard should balance things. I’ve seen this argument long ago when classes were ‘good’ in PVE so people like yourself would make the argument that they shouldn’t receive adjustments in pvp. Specs in WoW arena should be looked at similar to how each Hero in League of legends are. Every spec is it’s own ‘hero’ and therefore an assasin character in wow would never not be balanced because another assasin style character is good.